Oh no, Speeding! He’s unfit for the senate. Better have him resign. Can’t have bad drivers in Congress.
Feel like the increase is gonna be short term, I immediately cancelled my membership renewal when this change happened and have heard many, many people say the same thing. Hadn’t paid much attention to my prime membership dues until this change, and realized it wasn’t worth what I was paying.
And the stock went up 13%….
Not for it, and not a resident of KCMO so doesn’t matter much to me. With that said downtown KC has been a wasteland till very recently, and adding a stadium would be the final step to bringing it back to life after the interstate highway system destroyed it. The stadium would increase foot traffic and make it a much more vibrant place. Don’t really care how it gets done, just that it gets done.
The Royals have had maybe 10 winning seasons in the past 40 years, and the games aren’t locally televised. I’m all for the downtown stadium, but if they want public funding they should address those 2 issues first. Chiefs made a huge mistake tying their fate to a garbage franchise like the Royals.
I’d argue never starting a land war in Asia is the better advice.
Why do you think it’s KC?
I don’t work in the architecture space, but a quick search gave me some guidance on how to integrate BIM models in QGIS. The 3D City Builder plug in might do what you need.
They have plug-ins for web tiles, and you can connect to the ArcGIS map services. It has a terminal, but I don’t use that function much. I generally do all data manipulation and prep using Python and postGIS, and use Q as a visualization and editing tool. But it has plugins for just about everything. Most of the data resources ESRI gives you is repackaged public data, so searching the internet will provide you with most of the layers you might need.
I’d bail on ArcGIS. It’s expensive and QGIS does everything you could possibly need to do without the price tag, or the windows dependency. If you know ArcGIS, Q will feel very familiar.
For search I switched to DuckDuckGo as my default years ago with little notice, and only use Google search occasionally when I’m shopping. I noticed last week they are starting to hammer you with the sign in prompt every time I use it so they can more easily track my searches That’s a bad sign for things to come, the free ride might be over. The only thing Google I actually use these days is YouTubeTv because it gives a cable TV experience without having to deal with Comcast. Would love to hear suggestions for competitors so I can disconnect completely.
So happy to hear this. When people vote with actions and not words we all win.