The whole “no masks” comment immediately made me think of “no take backs “. Seems fitting for the oversized orange man-child.
And there’s nothing wrong with that. Enjoy.
It’s Florida. It will never get fixed even after they decide to change it. Live there long enough to see the same roads worked on for 20 years.
You are not wrong on either. This is exactly how a dictatorship begins. I only hope that the American public can see this for what it is. But I doubt it. Literacy is not a strong point.
Surprised there’s still grass.
So, is this something that one throws together while sitting on the potty, or are the taxpayers paying someone to put in a fair amount of time and effort to come up with this waste? Just asking.
Much better way to frame this. Thank you for the explanation.
Because these things are important.
Sure. Why would anyone need such a thing? They’ve already found it.
Well, if you have to ask…
Wow! What an intelligent idea.
Ohmygosh, so did I.