
joined 1 year ago
[–] mortalic 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Ooof I've got a vivedono troodon (voron clone) and that thing is constantly breaking. It's broken right now! I might just give the thing away if someone would come get it!

Compared to my Prusa where everything just works it's not even close. The troodon is like a creality but without the cheap budget parts being widely available.

Does anyone know what slicer profiles exist for the sv08?

[–] mortalic 4 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

Rotary, 12A if my memory is correct. Mine had an automatic (it was my grandmother's car before mine)

The wikipedia page looks just like it

Skip to the First generation photo, not the capella top photo

Edit: direct link to the photo that was my car:

[–] mortalic 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I'm just going to say that it depends.... My current play through I've had two of them. The first I had a really tough time because the first person he took out was my best melee fighter. I had a pacifist, a person with a 3 shooting and one person with a 9 shooting while the rest were on caravan.

I hunted him down as best I could but I didn't have the necessary people and equipment (wake up) to keep the hunt going

[–] mortalic 4 points 4 days ago (3 children)

I had two rare but not valuable cars, my first car was a 1974 Mazda rx2 sedan. Bright orange with a white interior.

The second I restored a 1956 Dodge Truck which had a 270 V8. This combo wasn't common.

[–] mortalic 5 points 4 days ago

Seriously, I just discovered impossible nuggets. They are hands down better than meat nuggets.

[–] mortalic 6 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Or just use the clothes dryer circuit... Charge the car overnight.... Get all the range.

[–] mortalic 1 points 1 week ago

No idea, it's nearly impossible to read what it does and doesn't do. Plus, like another commenter said they can change it. It's also become increasingly expensive....

[–] mortalic 3 points 1 week ago
[–] mortalic 6 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Thank you for this info, I'll look into it. I was messing around with a wifi direct solution earlier but didn't get it to work.

These seems like a lot of work so I can use my steam deck online in the car.

[–] mortalic 2 points 1 week ago

It's not, but I think I can get the unlock code from them

[–] mortalic 6 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Regular plan, one of the og unlimited data plans. One plus 9t.


Title. Basically I just want to use the Wi-Fi hotspot on my phone, it connects and everything but then no Internet.

How do I get started (self.hydroponics)

What's the highest chance of success for me getting started? I see so many variations on hydroponic gardens.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by mortalic to c/asklemmy

I have noticed lately that several sites I've tried to login to, some I already have an account, some I am trying to make a new account give me what seems like endless captchas.

The two notables ones from my memory, Etsy, where I've had an account for years and have 2fa enabled ffs. The other Unity, where I'm trying to make an account to join a friends Organization.

After several minutes the captches just seem to keep going and I get more and more frustrated to the point I just give up and don't login (which is not really an option with my Etsy store).

My setup isn't anything crazy, Firefox, Fedora 40, no vpn's or anything. Always from either my laptop or gaming system.

Does anyone else have this issue? What are the options?

EDIT/UPDATE: I disabled ublock origin long enough and only got one captcha. Seems google is trying to punish people using that. EDIT2: Spoke too soon, got my email verification, clicked through and back to endless captcha's.... ffs


I've just put Fedora40 on my Lenovo legion. I installed kde spin. I've got two strange issues.

The first, when adding file attachments in Firefox, it opens the gnome file manager instead of dolphin. Annoying but not major.

The second, when playing a steam game (fallout4) on multiple monitors, it seems the mouse isn't trapped to the game window, and when it inevitably makes it's way to the second monitor, a click will change focus. For this issue, I have been trying to use the kde window rules, but that doesn't seem to work. Nine of the rules seem to force the mouse to stay in that window.


I have a hobby 3d design business where I make things, and I have a lot of planters. When I make a new one the routine is, buy plant, plant it, take pictures, make notes about how well it works or looks.

Sometimes I end up with 3 or 4 iterations of it. I have too many, no WAY to many plants and I can't keep up with the care for them. I'm hoping there are members of this community that would be willing to test stuff for me, take photos and give me feedback. Preferably if you live in the PNW or west coast so shipping doesn't cost a fortune.

For example, right now I'm working on a little shelf that I'm hoping to put smaller, dangly succulents on and I've made two, sent one to a friend and need to test the second one. Message me if you are at all interested.


I'm debating trying to get my hands on a used m1 or M2 air for the primary use case of leaving it on my couch so I can quickly look stuff up. I thought about going with a chrome book, but all the snapdragon powered ones either have sketchy support or are expensive.

I also want it to have a small form factor so I think I want a MacBook air. I don't have any interest in macos (which I use for work) so I was debating putting Linux on it.

Has anyone had experience with asahi Linux, or the fedora spin? Could you share what works/doesn't etc?

Is there a better option I'm not thinking about?


A car enthusiast with a racing history's take on two EV's.

submitted 3 months ago by mortalic to c/gardening

I'm happy to say, It's still alive and thriving. That is all.


I have a trio of identical printers I want to sell. I posted them on Craigslist and got literally no response.

I posted them on eBay and sold one but for 1/4 the asking price. It also cost me a fortune to ship it.

Does anyone here have experience doing this and mind sharing your knowledge?


Weird story, so about 9 years ago we sold our house to a family member, who rented it out. Those renters reached out to them and said that we got a package. We still live in the area so I went and got it from them.

We have no idea what this is, or who sent it. When I search that sku I can't find much except an article about how Americans are getting sent seeds from China, the return address is from Equatorial Guinea. But even if they are seeds, what are they? Also why?

What you got Lemmy? Maybe put a sarcasm tag on your response if you have a humorous thought. But I really want to know. Google lens thinks they are bugs.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by mortalic to c/cars

I recently (2021/2022) sold my gas cars and bought two EV's. Though I kept my two motorcycles. I've been compiling my thoughts about how it's been so far, and realized I have compiled pages and pages of notes and those notes are all over the place. Just tons of little tiny differences to massive differences in the driving experience. I'd like to share that with this community in a useful way.

I'm not exactly an EV enthusiast, I've had a very long list of enthusiast cars/bikes and when I was young I used to race both autocross and quarter mile. So this basis is where my brain is at.

So my questions for everyone here:

  • What should I test/measure?
  • What do you want to know?
  • What data do you want to see (within reason, I'm not a data scientist)?

EDIT: You guys gave me a great list to start with. Some I'll need to start tracking my driving better so I can answer. I'll get back to you all.


Followup to why you should switch to Nobara Linux. Also, some scripts I’ve compiled for distro hopping the fedora flavors.

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