Oat milk is even better IMO. Nutty flavor just builds into the coffee perfectly.
I haven't played it, but I just added it to my wish list. Another you might like, rimworld, but change it's storyteller settings to peaceful.
Sometimes it matters where you live. Eating vegan in Portland Oregon is trivial compared to say.... Boise ID. I'm not a great cook, but I've managed to learn the basics of cooking carbs, protein and fats. Once you learn how to make and eat satisfying meals, it gets easier. Also, failing on your diet happens. Sometimes that burrito is rice beans and cow cheese but the alternatives are unacceptable. It happens, especially if you aren't cooking all your meals.
I can second this book. But also, I've not been able to finish it.
I can't find anything on their site that says if this can run standalone, or needs a PC....
Edit: oh from this article it probably isn't....
Yeah, but it also usually outperforms SPY.
Typically it is cheaper.
I've posted this on lemmy once before, but assuming you've maxed your 401k or other retirement, my go to strategy has been to buy a few shares of VTI every paycheck. If there was anything left over, or I couldn't afford VTI, I'd buy SPYG. I've been doing this for a very long time and it has paid off well for me. I'm not rich enough to stop working, but if I lost my job for a while, I'd be fine.
Then on a personal level, join a local sport. In my area there are a bunch, indoor soccer, flag football, volleyball, rock climbing, etc.... This gets you cardio without having to force yourself to go to the gym.
Yeah I believe you're correct
Livesuit was really good. Though a bit too short