
joined 1 year ago
[–] morgan_423 7 points 2 days ago

He doesn't have to, but he probably should, if he wants future value from you as a non-dead worker.

[–] morgan_423 5 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Ah, yes, the Quing of SpadeHearts. The best card in the entire deck by far.

[–] morgan_423 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I just saw that they launched a new MMO with PC / Android cross play called Tarisland. But that's literally all I have heard about it, I couldn't tell you if it's any good or not.

[–] morgan_423 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Not totally realistic, there aren't enough interrupting ads in there.

[–] morgan_423 12 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Why would anyone buy this? You can already do this streaming through the Deck or any of the other handhelds, if Game Pass is your thing.

[–] morgan_423 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Tenor guitar strung in a fourths-based tuning (DGBE, ADGC) and not fifths sounds much more like six string guitar, it's how I usually tune mine. You can go full electric on them too.

Cigar box guitars can sound pretty damn good amped up as well, and are often much cheaper to get. I picked one up from this ebay seller almost a decade ago, and still enjoy playing it. He might only make three stringers now, but those are even easier to play. Or if you're handy, you can even make them yourself.

[–] morgan_423 5 points 2 weeks ago

Ah, it's a Pikachew then. Understood.

[–] morgan_423 5 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Or try ukulele! Ukulele is awesome because the cords are a lot easier and you’ll become a strumming master since you won’t be concentrating so hard on the chords. And then later down the line it would give you a good foundation if you take a crack at guitar again

You are not kidding. IMO, everyone should start out with a four stringed instrument, they are fantastic. Move on to greater complexity later if you want to.

I failed out on my first attempt at guitar, it was just to much... then I lucked into a tenor guitar, and entered the four-string world of tons of one and two finger chords. Suddenly I could focus on rhythm and musicality, rather than making sure my fingers were doing half a bajillion gymnastic tricks per minute.

Four stringers are so much fun, doesn't matter if it's a ukulele, a cigar box guitar, a tenor guitar, whatever. Go get one and start having fun!

[–] morgan_423 19 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

So many questions for the AI. Like, why do you think Naruto has three hands? Or a bo staff implanted in his rectum? Why is his lower body rotated ninety degrees from his torso at the hips?

[–] morgan_423 4 points 3 weeks ago

So did the AI, apparently

[–] morgan_423 5 points 1 month ago

Ah yes, Green Superman, my favorite super hero.

[–] morgan_423 3 points 1 month ago

My favorite part of this one is the background painting that shows another guy bellowing into another grandma's face. Ric is just carrying on the tradition of this restaurant lol

Nauta Turturem (

To stay in compliance with weekly Lemmy AI image memes, here this is.


No, you're not imagining things.

It's security footage of Sailor Moon stealing from a Target whilst eating a fried spaghetti sandwich.


My steps, if anyone has to replicate. I'm not sure if everyone will start from here... it's possible that you already have the prerequisite installed from another game. But I'll give my fix path in case anyone starts from the same place I did.

For me, what I saw to start: When running, a brief spin, and then about ten seconds later, a change back to the green play button. Complete no-go.

My fix path went:

  1. Started in Desktop mode, for maximum troubleshooting flexibility.

  2. Going to Manage > Properties, I changed BG III compatibility option to Proton Experimental.

  3. Tried relaunching game... this time, an error returned that I needed to run the game along with Windows Net Desktop runtime (.net 6.0.20).

This error had its own link button, but in case you don't get the link or error, but still want to see if this is your fix, the link took me here for the download.

  1. I added that downloaded file as a non-steam game in Steam, set its compatibility to Proton Experimental, then I ran it and installed it. (Note: For stuff like this, leave it in your Steam library after you're done with these steps... if you delete it later, it takes out the file path and it will stop working, and you'll have to do all this all over again.)

  2. Every person is going to get a unique directory number created for them in their file structure for this file. Find it by following the path in your file manager (default file manager is Dolphin): /home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/

Then sort by "last modified," and the file folder you're looking for will pop to the top (it should say something like "last modified two minutes ago," "last modified just now," or something like that... because you just did this, so you know this is the correct one). Write this number down, it's the unique-to-you location id I was talking about earlier.

Finally, go back to Baldur's Gate III and the Manage > Properties. In the launch options, paste exactly this command, except substitute your unique ID number in place of the string of Xs here:

STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/XXXXXXX %command%

(Note: there is a space between your ID number and %command%.)

And if your issue was for missing the Net prerequisite, then this should get it running for you. Have fun!


Asking as I recently subscribed to a community that is fed by a bot which posts pretty frequently.

I subscribed to be able to mark the community to find it when I want to, but it's now dominating my subscribed feed due to volume of posts. If I could keep this one specific community from showing up in the feed, that would be the preferred solution. Thanks!

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