Think different, we should applaud more often for those that deliver services essential for many
Dating, he's dating while anon is crying and smoking
Look up clicks keyboard. Might be the closest you'll get
This always infuriates me. If your employees need tips to get paid enough, they're just paid too little. Don't bash the customer, bash the boss! I worked in hospitality for years and tips are purely to show gratitude for better than expected service. If you think differently about this, then you're just brainwashed
Get crystal lenses and not worry about it. Only had one scratch on them, that was due to them hitting the ground
Look up vegan lifestyle India. A lot of people already live that way just for their religion
When phones were still fun
Volkswagen got slapped on the wrists due to gaming pollution tests. Mercedes paywalls functions behind a subscription. I think a bike is your best option
Damn, good on you for skipping the latter
Why do you have a Sprint planning of a day. Either you have too long sprints, a terrible Po, no refinements or just a short work day
I'm using a Garmin instinct 2. It fills the void of not having to charge for half a month at least
I use planar headphones which are not too bad to drive, but most of the time I need some extra power. The deck actually is capable of blowing my eardrums out still