Look. If we boil that whole newspaper can of worms down the message looks a lot like "you guys are average and average is stupid and I'm smart." I'm sure with your sense for context you can see why many would conclude that you're still being an elitist asshole.
You can insist it's true- hell, it may even BE true but that's still no excuse for being a goddamn prick. Which is way worse than having reading comprehension skills or whatever.
Man you're being kind of a dick. Not saying it's a bad take but you should save the snapping for assholes and not people confused by an argument of little context combating a view that's only implicitly expressed by an image.
You can do the same thing without being vague and making people wonder if they're missing something by saying "many people think you should just keep your head down at these gatherings but..." and by removing the confusing quotes.
And drop the elitism. That shit looks bad on people that have earned it. It looks worse on someone from the internet who made the error of splitting overestimate into two words within their own self-fellating intellect based burn.
Just fucking chill out and feel free to DM me if you need to talk about something.
Let's just get it over with. Like the snap. How many people die? How many lose family or jobs? Just give me the number and the calls from my friends and family now. I'm tired.
Wrong. He's clearly an average CEO
My killy heal
I won't feel like eating pizza for dinner when pigs fly or I'm fucking dead
Remove the 'em' from empathetic and I agree.
I'm going to rip both your legs off and leave you to rot in the cold
Powered surfboard. Stealing waves. Seeding the area with sharks.
Not much to do about it. But fuck him.