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[–] mojofrododojo 1 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

from the hill article:

So Biden never explicitly made a one-term promise during the campaign

ok. Look I'm not trying to pick a fight, I just never heard biden say that and wondered what I'd missed. The Hill article goes on to state:

but he certainly implied it with the language of “transition.”

yeeaah, uh, I'm going to vote for him because < HAHA FUCKING HELLSCAPE PROJECT 2025 > either way

[–] mojofrododojo 1 points 4 hours ago

interesting point - I don't know of any russian CIWS systems (and boy do they have 'em!) meeting success vs. drone attacks. If their systems were capable of taking them out I think they'd have crowed about any shoot downs, but what I see is a russian navy at the bottom of the sea.

[–] mojofrododojo 4 points 4 hours ago

You may bet your bollix that tank designers are earning really good overtime at the moment.

something tells me drone and EW designers are pulling even more OT than the tank guys.

[–] mojofrododojo 1 points 4 hours ago

Are we forgetting that the Japanese sided with the literal actual nazis?

all I was pointing out was that, while allied with the Axis, they weren't allied in all the ways. You're trying to pick a fight that's not there.

[–] mojofrododojo 2 points 4 hours ago (4 children)

citation requested thanks

[–] mojofrododojo 1 points 4 hours ago (2 children)

nothing, not a single thing you've argued, will in any way reduce the radioactive leftovers nuclear reactors produce and most of the world is putting off for the next generation to fix.

Like climate change.

How many crises do you think those poor kids are going to be able to manage at once?

[–] mojofrododojo 6 points 5 hours ago

Trumps replies seldom had any connection to the thread/question posed by moderator. he was simply waiting for his turn to ramble a gish gallop out.

[–] mojofrododojo 4 points 5 hours ago (6 children)

Why doesn’t anyone call him out on lying about running for a second term?

never saw this. citation requested thanks

[–] mojofrododojo 1 points 6 hours ago

that's funny af

in personal experience, I've seen ungrounded equipment ground itself through people. not a pleasant experience but fortunately no cooked colleagues - but not fun at all.

[–] mojofrododojo 1 points 6 hours ago (4 children)

yeah, I get it, you're whole hog on it, the enthusiasm comes through loud and clear.

I don't agree, but there's no amount of sense that's going to sway the already decided.

[–] mojofrododojo 1 points 6 hours ago (2 children)

That they weren’t anti-semitic is the weirdest fucking take I’ve ever seen on Imperial Japan.

they weren't anti-semitic. what part of that link did you not comprehend?

you do realize you can abuse people and not be anti-semitic, you could be anti-aryan or anti-roma or anti-gay or anti-whatever, those aren't anti-semitic.

did you not read the whole "we’re busy abusing chinese and korean people” policy part?

No where do I say they were good people doing nice things lol. wtf

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