You’re completely ignoring the part where not all jews are also zionists. Are you saying that you believe they are?
I am not and did not assert this. I called out a dogwhistle.
get fucked.
You’re completely ignoring the part where not all jews are also zionists. Are you saying that you believe they are?
I am not and did not assert this. I called out a dogwhistle.
get fucked.
Korea but Cambodia
completely agree about cambodia, nixon's hideous bullshit there is still killing kids through unexploded ord. Korea?
I mean maybe I don't get your gist but we fought a long war there then pretty much occupied the place for the remainder.
the story of streetcars in the US is similarly depressing; in the 1900s most large cities had trolly systems.
the automobile companies fixed that.
I don’t want self driving cars because I like driving.
transit options don't prevent you from driving. how is this an argument against, if anything it'd make congestion better for you.
it's taken a few decades but seattle finally has really good light rail. every 10 minutes. you can get from the airport to the other side of the city for $4. it's not perfect, and doesn't go everywhere, but holy hell is it a giant upgrade for living in town.
yup. every time I read about private jets flying to get food, or see a car speeding down the street doing 60 in a 25, revving their shit at lights, I think: how much are you robbing your children?
don't they love their own kids? how is our society literally burning - but people can't make the obvious connection?
I know we can't de-carbonize every source instantly, but the selfish pricks who burn it for fun need to be taxed at the very fucking least
- rich people
well, yeah, but also the vroom-vroom assholes - there are so many who fight efficiency and buy the biggest truck our the loudest most ridiculous exhaust for their sports car, they literally derive enjoyment from making things worse. And then there's the smooth-brainest, the coal rollers, who fuck up their shit intentionally to make it spew toxins they can maneuver onto peds and cyclists.
the world is burning, when are we going to turn some of this focus back to a modicum of personal responsibility?
does anyone else think about this as assholes drive by vroom vrooming co2 into the atmosphere for fun?
the sad thing is, you're gonna realize in a few months when shit goes off the rails, you had a choice, and because you wanted to be a pouty, whiney little bitch, whose exact and unrelenting demands must be met entirely or you're gonna have a tantrum, you couldn't mitigate the worst by participating in democracy.
Ideally, of course, we would have elected Bernie in 2016. ideally. Gore in 2000 (stolen). Carter in 80 (stolen, reagan worked with the fucking iranians), or Nixon in 68 (again, stolen, worked to avoid a peace deal with the north and keep the war going).
Ideally, lots of other things would have changed.
I don't know where the fuck you live, but here in reality, the ideal rarely presents itself.
Fact is, you got to pile up the ideal shit in your life in one hand, and the absolute EXCREMENT the right wants in the other, and see which fills up first sparky. Why didn't we run on healthcare for all? Student loans?
holy shit you're dense, or a strawman, because biden's record is better than anyone else you could point to.
I got played? you ignorant twit, you betrayed a generation, nice fucking work.
you're right....
but you gotta know sometimes the hurk is involuntary
pfft I didn't bring up zionists. they did.
accurate name tho.
fo sho if you're going to compare it to bart, which is like, 50 years of concerted civil engineering to the last two decades here in Seattle, it's gonna fall short. Bart's an impressive outlier in commitment to the problem.