Oh it’s history alright. As in past tense.
Yes it’s listed as Thunderbolt but the iPad Pro with USB-C (not Thunderbolt) can drive the Studio Display without issue.
This post really deserves more likes. Very solid app so far. Excited to see it develop.
It’s actually a play on Frankfurter which means sausage in German, and Dr Frankenstein. That’s why the character is Dr. Frank N Furter.
It’s fun to make up stats in your head.
I did a TestFlight feedback about this just last week.
Nothing gets past this guy.
Ah yes, those are the green Tortex picks I used forever until my switch about 6 months ago. Took a little getting used to, but I personally can’t go back now. I literally thought I’d never switch from Tortex picks, but part of growing is trying new things. I guess they aren’t for everyone though.
The biggest difference. Your migration to Lemmy really happened.
the snozzberries taste like snozzberries.
It’s from Apple retail. I’ve seen that video ripped from the demo app and posted online a few times over the years. I have it somewhere. If I can locate it I’ll share a Dropbox link.