It is a test that AI fails on many platforms. Can’t count letters.
Does it have any nudity?
How did you diagnose that?
Either 65°C or 70°C
I didn't take the photo immediately - tried cleaning a bit before it occurred to me to document it.
Interesting. All of my prints that failed were running overnight when the temperature dropped.
Thanks. I am really frustrated with myself for letting this happen. Pulled everything apart and recovered most of everything, but managed to damage the clip that holds the extruder in place, so now I get to learn how to do surgery and replace the entire assembly. I wish I had gotten a bit more time before having to do a major repair...
I've been printing for two weeks, and I had one.
Italy is a part of Africa. At least, geologically.
Watched last night on Disney+. I could swear that the nail went all the way through his foot, but in the streaming version, he pulls back as soon as the pointy end hits his food. Don't know if that was edited or if my memory is faulty.
Yes, and it was super effective.