FFS. He was testing a beta update at 73 miles per hour. Is he really expecting sympathy?
joined 2 years ago
Respect is earned
I'm bombarded by Joe Rogan stuff. I keep blocking the channels but there is an endless stream of them
Because the man looks like a clown but has no charisma
I find the call to prayer more offensive than inclusive
Good culture is not needing to legislate against stupid behaviour. I've been to beaches in Europe which are very clean and beaches in Turkey which are full of litter. Both have rubbish bins which are collected regularly. It's all down to local culture.
Those coffee shops have inside space too.
Not in the slightest. It's not exactly a massive burden to take your rubbish home with you.
With 200 open tabs
~~Can you define woke?~~
I was talking about the rest of the population. Not just the tech sector.
Isn't that the issue? He's using something that's still in beta on the highway.