I was smart enough pretty early on to have 2 main email accounts - one "serious" one for job applications and more private accounts like online banking, and a spam account with as little of my personal info linked to it as possible.
He looks very fluffy :D Also I think the name is kinda funny, because Mikey looks a lot like my cat Jimmy, and my name is Mika.
Konnte nicht weiter lesen nachdem du ernsthaft eine Unterhaltungsserie herbeigezogen hast um dein Argument zu untermalen..
Ohh I didn't realize there's a difference between system and DE keyboard options. I'll look into that, thanks
I'll check it out again, thanks!
Kinda off topic, but after I played around with all these emoji boards, every time I reboot, my system keyboard layouts get reset. Any idea what may be causing this?
It's not necessary, just really convenient when your OS breaks
Beim dritten schritt scheitern wohl viele.
No, comic sans is a special level of weird and annoying
There's a timestamp in the youtube link that skips to the very end. Is that on purpose? Or were you just trying to show the terminal?
So you just want to make sure your consciousness crashes every now and then?
An instance is not the same as a community/sub.
manchmal, meistens wenn ich direkt nach dem briefkasten leeren und betreten der wohnung erst mal aufs klo muss.