Biblically Accurate Beauty Contest.
Depends where you're YouTubing. I believe the main solutions are browser extensions and app mods.
It does feel like a deliberately wrong choice...
But to say that she never wore it..! She had at least... 2 guest appearances where she wrote a collared uniform? Did she appear in the one where Worf jumps around the multiverse, or is that just Wesley I'm thinking of?
Remember: never confuse the Olframory regrion with the Orfancfary regain.
The weird part is in the mirror.
I have absolutely no problem renaming Easter Transgender Visibility Day. As long as I still get chocolate.
Looks like he's about to snap that man's left hand off in the last panel.
I really dug It's All Been Done but the Barenaked Ladies. Still do.
What is up with bowling ads and innuendo? It's like a universal thing, not just regional.
Ahhh, craaap...