
joined 11 months ago
[–] machinin 13 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I checked to see if it was the Onion or not.

[–] machinin 22 points 1 week ago (10 children)

Has there ever been someone armed that has stopped police abuse? I don't think I've ever heard of a case like that.

[–] machinin 4 points 1 week ago

Wasn't one of his first works showing how American media coverage, especially the New York Times, make key changes in articles about Israel? He found internationally distributed articles and showed that US media always changed articles about Israel to paint them in a better light. It was really great work.

[–] machinin 1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I was looking into Tailscale, but it got me a little worried. I'm not very knowledgeable, so I hope someone can correct me

They don't allow ssh, so you have to give your keys over them and they manage your ssh connection? That seems idiotic. Surely that can't be correct?

I'm my use case, I was wanting to rsync to an off-site Synology from a Linux box. Synology also doesn't allow ssh over their VPN service - frustrating.

[–] machinin 13 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Thank you. It is infuriating to see how little critical investigation is given to accusations of anti-semitism. AIPAC's propaganda team is pretty amazing, I have to give that to them.

[–] machinin 8 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I'm using revanced. Today was the first day to get advertising on their app. Hopefully they'll find a work around soon.

[–] machinin -1 points 2 weeks ago

So Hamas doing this to free the thousands of minors imprisoned by the Israeli military system is justified?

Interesting argument you're making.

[–] machinin 17 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

That and algorithmic districting are my hopes.

[–] machinin 36 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Good, now you're beginning to understand how the Palestinians feel.

How many Israelis should die to allow your people to be free? There isn't a number too high. The Palestinians' freedom is worth infinitely more than an Israeli oppressor.

[–] machinin 3 points 2 weeks ago

I'm trying to imagine if my brain was...

[–] machinin 1 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah, that is probably what I miss most about Reddit. Science articles have really deep discussions about the topics there. Here, the comments are mainly just one or two jokes and an asshole or two with a superiority complex.

The fediverse has some really good tech discussions. I hope we can get more scientists soon to elevate those discussions.

[–] machinin 10 points 2 weeks ago

This is actually from the European Space Agency. They collaborated with China to deliver the instrument to the moon.


[T]he report's executive summary certainly gets to the heart of their findings.

"The rhetoric from small modular reactor (SMR) advocates is loud and persistent: This time will be different because the cost overruns and schedule delays that have plagued large reactor construction projects will not be repeated with the new designs," says the report. "But the few SMRs that have been built (or have been started) paint a different picture – one that looks startlingly similar to the past. Significant construction delays are still the norm and costs have continued to climb."

Cancel/Discard process (self.voyagerapp)
submitted 1 month ago by machinin to c/voyagerapp

The UI for discarding a comment always confuses me.

If I want to discard a comment I'm writing, I have to hit "cancel," then I'm given two options, cancel or discard. I think I must follow the previous naming convention, so I hit cancel, but instead, I have to hit discard to discard the comment.

I think it would be better to have "Discard" as the element in the screen when you write a comment. Then, when you confirm the decision, it is the same nomenclature, discard or cancel.

If you want, I can add a screenshot.


Hopefully they can find true justice. Maybe AIPAC's power is starting to wane?


According to the food-and-drinks maker and one of its executives with knowledge of the deal, PepsiCo was using only 36 of Teslas promised 100 electric trucks as of this month.

The shortfall, which hasn't been previously disclosed, lays bare the challenges for Tesla as it seeks to become a high-volume player in the truck-manufacturing business. Other would-be Tesla customers including food distributor Sysco, UPS, and Walmart Canada continue to wait for Tesla Semi trucks and are turning to rival electric-truck makers.

The struggles of shipping enough Semis come at a bad time for Tesla, which has seen growth for its consumer electric vehicles slow, forcing it to cut prices and hurt margins. In addition, Reuters reported this month that Tesla had decided to cancel its long-promised inexpensive car that investors had hoped would drive further growth.

Verifying -arr Downloads? (self.selfhosted)
submitted 3 months ago by machinin to c/selfhosted

I found an av1-labeled version of a TV show on Sonarr, so I downloaded it, replacing my previous 264 version. I started to play it and realized it was a smaller 264 version.

Is there a way for Sonarr and Radarr to verify if a download's version matches it's label? Do I just need to stick with trusted distribution groups?


Unraid has come out with their new pricing plan.

I have mistakenly said in some comments here before that they were doing away with their lifetime plan. They still have it, but it is just more expensive. They have introduced a couple of cheaper annual subscription plans.

If anyone is still on the fence about buying Unraid, you have a week until the new pricing plan comes into affect.

After seeing so many examples of companies really screwing up their pricing changes, it is refreshing to see Unraid do this so well.

Proxmox vs. TrueNAS Scale (self.selfhosted)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by machinin to c/selfhosted

I'm in the process of migrating my system to some new hardware. I was curious on everyone's thoughts about Proxmox vs. TrueNAS Scale.

Here is some background - I'm currently running a mini-computer, with Debian, attached to an external hard drive. I host Plex, -arr suite, PhotoPrism/Photo backup space, Syncthing and some other apps. It runs fine, but could probably use some more memory. I also haven't had a lot of luck backing up all my family's data (on and off different cloud services) in one place in a way that avoids duplicates. My 4TB HDD is at about 80% full now. I have an offsite synology that I back up to using Syncthing. Syncthing has been having some problems lately, so I'm looking at some other options for that too.

I've been wanting to move my storage to an internal HDD, so I bought a larger used computer and a hard drive so that I can clean my setup a bit. It has an i3 8100, 500GB M2, 256 SSD, 8TB HDD and 24GB ram. To experiment, I've been running Proxmox and set up a few VMs including TrueNAS.

Proxmox has been pretty amazing. I thought I would have a TrueNAS VM, my Debian-based Plex/-arr VM, and then another Debian vm where I could just test different software that I wanted to host. I haven't really experimented with the LXMs yet.

I started testing out TrueNAS and saw that it also offers virtualization. If so, I probably wouldn't need Proxmox for my purposes.

With all that, here are some questions -

  1. What do you think about Proxmox vs. TrueNAS? Any reason to prefer one over the other?
  2. What do you think about having a Debian VM to host my Plex and -arr suite? What are the pros and cons of that method vs. hosting the apps on my TrueNAS or Proxmox as containers? I think mainly it would just be portability and isolation.
  3. Currently, my external HDD is formatted so you could also plug it into Windows and read the contents. If something happens to me, I would like my family to be able to easily access the data. I need to figure out a good way to ensure it is easily accessible to them.

Thanks in advance!

Edit for posterity: after this post, I tried TrueNas, but was annoyed because the HDD was constantly being accessed. I tried unRAID after that, but had a similar problem with HDD access noise. I tried several cache drive configurations , but I couldn't escape the constant 5-second access pattern. I finally went back to Proxmox and will cobbler together my own NAS setup. We'll see how it goes.

Can't upvote (self.voyagerapp)
submitted 3 months ago by machinin to c/voyagerapp

Is anyone having a problem upvoting comments and posts? I'm unable to after the Lemmy. World update.


An overview of the recent losses by the Russian air force and overall situation for their readiness. Kind of a follow-up on some questions I asked on other posts here.

When Pi-hole is down? (self.selfhosted)
submitted 4 months ago by machinin to c/selfhosted

I have an asus router with a pi-hole on the network.

I was doing some work on my server and noticed that when pi-hole was down, I couldn't access the internet. I was looking for some ideas online how to deal with this, but they said to have a second pihole on the network in case one is offline. Is that the only way to do it? Is there any way to have the network go back to normal if the pihole is offline?


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Scientists Develop New Dirt-Powered Fuel Cell That Runs Forever

Northwestern University researchers have introduced a soil-microbe-powered fuel cell, significantly outperforming similar technologies and providing a sustainable solution for powering low-energy devices.

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