hey, I need my daily dose of nonsense to survive
time to act, my dudes ! we're less than halfway there... the deadline is July !
haha nailed it 😂😂
you actually just need a keffieh to be called antisemitic
no fascist salute required
The name of the sea between them is causing turmoil in the SK society, because everyone else is calling it "Sea of Japan".
that and the fact that the Japanese are absolute dicks about the SK women they enslaved for sex some 70 years ago
you got me
this is satire on the situation between Japan and South Korea
y a un million de trucs qui peuvent foirer pour la moindre fonctionnalité d'un programme.
si tu n'as pas fait de mise à jour de ton programme et que d'un coup il se met à planter, c'est pas de la faute du langage mais d'un changement annexe, et c'est souvent côté serveur
who tf buys them ?
tread carefully,
he's the reichest man on earth
cause of corporate bootlickers