Yeah my 1060 is fine bro
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Building PCs used to be fun and cool and only moderately expensive but now you have to take out a loan. :(
It has gotten more expensive, but it's also worth noting the impact of inflation.
A $250 dGPU from 2004 would be like $420 in modern dollars. That being said you get a pretty good deal for $250 in 2004.
Why use an AI slop image when the 5090 is already out?
They didn't have enough cash to place around their 5090 (they spent it all on the GPU).
Wdym? It's frame gen, bro. It's totally not just AI slop! It's for smoothness bro!
Pls, bro, lemme jam AI into everything, bro.
Pls, we've invested so much into AI and gotten no return bro
who tf buys them ?
My Nintendo DS still works great, thanks.