What about the other odor producing compounds? From wikipedia:
Hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan (also known as methanethiol), dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide and dimethyl trisulfide are present in flatus.
What about the other odor producing compounds? From wikipedia:
Hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan (also known as methanethiol), dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide and dimethyl trisulfide are present in flatus.
First I saw jelly beans, then I noticed the arrangement and saw touching tips, then I looked for what else could be taken in that direction and noticed the clearly intentional double penetration.
Romanian living in the US. I call clătite "crepes" and American pancakes "pancakes". That way everyone knows what I'm talking about.
Also, don't call plăcintă "pie", or you're setting people up for disappointment (it doesn't matter that it's good, their brain was ready for pie and got something else).
Looks like Windows 95 to me.
Sawyer started writing games in Z80 assembly. Assembly language was definitely something you would use to program games back in those days.
nothing existed before
Thing is that there's no "before", because time itself started with the big bang. The questions to ask are: is there anything other than our universe, and does that even matter? If nothing can get in or out of our universe, then there's no way to prove the existence of anything outside of it and there's zero impact one way or another.
What's Surtr got to do with it though?
Their story is that she was already deported before they got the order.
My vacuum would pass that test... why is a Tesla worse at this?
do not kill innocent people
Who decides innocence? And where is the line between not innocent but shouldn't be killed and not innocent and deserves to be killed?
It make sense for a wrapper layer to do this and I had to fight against APIs that didn't. If I make a single HTTP call that wraps multiple independent API calls into one, then the overall HTTP code should reflect status of the wrapper service, and the individual responses should each have their own code as returned by the underlying services.
For example on one app we needed to get user names by user id for a bunch of users. To optimize this, we batched calls into groups. The API would fail with an error code if one of the user ids in the batch was bad or couldn't be found. That meant we wouldn't be getting data for any of the users in the batch and we didn't know which userId was bad either. Such a call should return 200 for the overall call and individual result for each id, some of which could be errors.