Visual novels and walking Sims like firewatch and What Remains of Edith Finch are just point and click adventures in a different dimension.
As a huge myst fan myself i fired up my save of myst 2021 and played rime. The day the update came out came out. The books really enhance the game series. The new remake of Riven is top notch.
Direct Cremation but if you don't mind your body going out of your family's control donating your body to science or a body farm for forensic anthropologist. It can be free.
Shift + control + V makes this bot obsolete
So first I changed my wording from healthy to normal to match your words.
Second you can talk to yourself there is a thing called Internal Family Systems Model (IFS) if you some kind of framework but really it cones down to treating yourself like your own friend. Like as goofy as it sounds take yourself out to dinner. Buy yourself gifts and by the parent comment i didn't imply you were a child but you sad you don't have the greatest home life and i made the assumption you might not have had the greatest childhood and if that's not the case great. But you are never too old to be a role model / parent to yourself. I have talk to people in their 40s that had to become friends with themselves.
Your writing style had nothing to do with it. English is my first language and I'm very bad at it. So you got me beat.
Just keep in mind that no external person can help fix something about yourself. You fix yourself and the friends are just a bonus and can offer support but you got to do the work.
I mean I'm just some guy on the internet take what I say however you want but if you want to talk i would be happy to talk to you.
Well first no one is mentally normal we all have our quirks i will tell you the first friend you have to make is with yourself. You have to move from an external Locus of control to an internal Locus of control. Be your own parent/mentor. If you want to talk it out to have a sounding board or just practice social interaction. I would be happy to talk with you.
Requiem for a Dream 😜
I think that is basically life you try your best to not lose it all and you take the hits of joy no matter what. Sometimes it's a just one line but sometimes it's a whole tetris. Sometimes a misstep can cost you a delay in getting a new line, sometimes it can cost you the whole game.
Any of the "barbarians" cultures like the Goths or Angles
Yeah but you gave me a better idea going to Hurd instead
I have done this it's not that hard if you use two disks so you can run on one then bootstrap the other then share the the home directory over. I guess you could also use BTRFS and run on two subvolumes and do it on one drive.
I would also add an extra hard mode going from a Linux distro to a bsd distro
So my advice is Tuesday and Friday that would the same as if you did weekend Wednesday but adjusted since you can't take the Sunday off. This let's you work less days between breaks so you get to enjoyment of both days vs recovering from a 5 day work week then only having one day to enjoy your day.