So if there are 30000 unjustly imprisoned people then freeing 29999 of them is pointless since no improvement has been made.
Until the Internet elects a demagogue in the most ridiculously over-armed country on earth and arrives in an attack helicopter
Give it 6 months and Amazon will be running this model for you "serverless" with a code name making it seem like their own product.
for the foreseeable future.
Or 4 years, whichever comes first.
And needs a litrle more orange/red food colour.
Dunno. Are the Irish still white? I'm losing track if the regression here. What about Italians?
Should have been Ar$€
Screen grabs are not proof. I'm on mobile ATM or I could screen grab you admitting to lusting after Elon's buttocks.
Just thought it might be worth checking if CityMapper "knows about all available lines".
Try CityMapper? I often get better results there .
Almost, but really not at all.