
joined 2 years ago
[–] like47ninjas 1 points 1 year ago

I'm with you, I don't get the draw - I'm not a fan of the clutter it would cause but whatever floats their boat, it's not sinking mine :P.

I feel like it's the same as collecting shoes or purses - fashion/collecting just of something else. The abe meme is spot on.

[–] like47ninjas 7 points 2 years ago

You nailed it.

[–] like47ninjas 1 points 2 years ago

Wholesome AF. Enjoying the discussion.

[–] like47ninjas 1 points 2 years ago

I'm with you. Zero session is value added even with an experienced group. We've been playing with the we group for a while and whenever we do a new campaign or new DM we end up using a zero session to reset expectations & make sure everyone's still on the same page with the upcoming campaign.

[–] like47ninjas 1 points 2 years ago

For sure. The Corolla design front he last face lift was really well done and conversely, i really didn't care for the tacoma's continuously extending hood. Feel like we're going the wrong direction with pickups, def agree there.

[–] like47ninjas 1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

I haven't seen the GX but the LCs design is growing on me. Really glad they stick with the box instead of making a coupe out of it somehow.

[–] like47ninjas 9 points 2 years ago

My comment was 10,000% sarcasm. Of course they don't add jobs, trickledown economics is a complete crock of shit lol

[–] like47ninjas 10 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Bahahaha I felt that I didn't have to add /s to the end of that, I was obviously wrong..

[–] like47ninjas 6 points 2 years ago (1 children)

My take? The issue I have with the mega rich is that they (generalization here) aren't playing by the same rules as you or I. I don't have an issue, with not paying all of your employees 6 figures. Different jobs, skills, training, and capabilities are (and should be) worth different amounts of money. It's important that people with good ideas, or business capabilities have avenues of expanding, bettering themselves, and enjoying the fruits of their labor.

When you pay money to write rules that are favorable to you, you become the problem. Money in politics is the problem. Imo, that has enabled all of this. Don't have good healthcare? Likely it was lobbied for because someone wanted more money. Stuck in prison? Oh yeah, money in politics got you there. Minimum wage hasn't kept up with inflation? Something, something trickledown-bullshit, money in politics. Kids killed in school constantly? Oh you know....FUCKING MONEY IN POLITICS.

Favorable can be lobbying against health & safety or environmental regulations because it impacts your bottom line. It is donating to political campaigns for tax cuts (you know, fucking bribery). It's blocking minimum wage hikes to secure your bottom line.

All of that said, how people sleep at night with absurd amounts of money and minimal charity is disgusting. I don't fault someone for enjoying an oppulant lifestyle.....I do fault someone for Scrooge McDucking and hoarding cash....for what? Bragging rights? Power?

TLDR: be gaddamn ethical about it.

[–] like47ninjas 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

That's not a's a raccoon! Oh my god, look at that raccoon wearing a hat!

[–] like47ninjas 1 points 2 years ago

I really like how well this puts things in perspective.

[–] like47ninjas -5 points 2 years ago (5 children)

But if they lose money they can't invest it and create jobs.

Road trips (self.Daddit)

Just needed to vocalize to get it out to avoid passing the feelings on to the fam.

Starting a road trip with two young ones. Kind of stressed about it - we're doing 30+hrs total car-time over the next couple of weeks.

Have lots of contingencies for the car ride, planned lots of stops, have lots of snacks and some new distractions for the kids.

Trying to tell myself over and over it's not about getting there, it's about making a day out of the drives. It's a very different approach to how I've always traveled - usually my wife and I would just power thru and get there. With a potty trainer and a new walker I'm still coming to terms with expecting to stop every 30m. Idk that my heads totally there yet and wanted to share, even if just to put my thoughts on "paper".

How have other dad's out there had success with young ones on long trips? Any tips or ideas are welcome :)


This photo gives me so many feels. My son wants to do everything I do, this particular moment (like so many times) he was looking for dad's tools. He knows there's some in the shed and was in the process of convincing me he had a good use for them while playing with the latch.


My toddler picked this for my wife when on a walk, he was thrilled.

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