
joined 2 years ago
[–] lightnegative 4 points 8 months ago (2 children) have my condolences

[–] lightnegative 6 points 8 months ago

As someone who works, flatpak's solve a bunch of problems, freeing me up to continue working.

Security issues are just a class of issue; no more or less important than other issues

[–] lightnegative 1 points 8 months ago

It's fairly easy, here's the starter recipe that everyone does: Odin's Easy Gin

[–] lightnegative 8 points 8 months ago (4 children)

Yep, being familiar with the data model is 98% of the effort.

The remaining 2% is the query

[–] lightnegative 4 points 8 months ago

But it's genuinely what we were all doing not so long ago

Jokes on you, my first job was editing files directly in production. It was for a webapp written in Classic ASP. To add a new feature, you made a copy of the current version of the page (eg index2_new.asp became index2_new_v2.asp) and developed your feature there by hitting the live page with your web browser.

When you were ready to deploy, you modified all the other pages to link to your new page

Good times!

[–] lightnegative 13 points 8 months ago (3 children)

This isn't the still you start with if you're just wanting to try the hobby, this is the still you get when you realise your starter still is way too slow and you want to up your volumes :)

In terms of taste vs the grocery store - for rum, or any aged spirit really - grocery store wins every time unless you're buying the cheapest sh*t.

Producing distillate is easy. Producing distillate worth drinking is a lot harder. The hobby is more about the fun of making something rather than competing with commercial offerings.

However for unaged spirits like Gin you can make something on-par or better than the grocery store (for a fraction of the cost), it's why every new distillery makes gin for cashflow while they're waiting for their whiskey to age

[–] lightnegative 8 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Haha thanks. It's actually a BrewZilla for making beer (my other hobby) but you can get compatible distillation lids to use it as a boiler for a still.

The column itself is from AliExpress

[–] lightnegative 14 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (2 children)

It's more like android apps from early versions of Android before the permissions became user-managable.

It won't prompt you to give the application access to certain permissions, all the permissions are predefined in the manifest by whoever published the application to flathub. When you run the application you just hope it won't cause too much havoc (you can of course verify the permissions before running it, but I guarantee most people won't)

Flatpak supports sandboxing but due to how most desktop applications want access to your home folder, network etc many apps simply disable it.

Regardless of the level of sandboxing applied to the app, Flatpak is a great way for a developer to package once run anywhere. Prior to Flatpak, if you wanted to support multiple distros, you had to build a package for each distro or hope somebody working on that distro would do it for you.

Inb4 AppImage was here first. And if you mention Snap then GTFO

[–] lightnegative 19 points 8 months ago (1 children)

The first thing I noticed. I was confused, thinking maybe they had an old XP machine lying around to plug in after the main one failed, but then I read further and it was just a stunt

[–] lightnegative 3 points 8 months ago

It feels like 2009 was only 4 years ago

[–] lightnegative 9 points 8 months ago (7 children)

I refuse to acknowledge this as antique

[–] lightnegative -5 points 8 months ago (5 children)

Hybrids: the worst of both worlds.

If you want to keep relying on gasoline then just buy an ICE car

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