Hah! Aaahahah!
Mars is very pretty, too! It has that austere serenity to it. May be completely biased in thinking this, but every official photo from Mars gives me that distinct feeling of once-alive, almost liminal.
Heck, every planet is wonderful in its own way, even Venus! There's something awe-inspiring about the sheer inhospitability of that place. And the surface looks like Silent Hill: The Planet!
Edit, because this got me started: we live in an absolutely wonderful universe, all in all! Even our relatively backwater region of space is awesome, our solar system kicks ass, even if our Sun is essentially a runt in terms of mass. It's our runt!
I can only dream of one day exiting the atmosphere and getting that particular perspective on existence, which is why it saddens me so much to see where space exploration's heading (edited from the more politically loaded variant).
Ian Thomas Kliks.
Hello Games still amaze me with their dedication to this game, full respect for that. I have about 200 hours on-and-off (it's among my favourite "comfy" games), I've kept in touch with its evolution since launch, and, gotta say, it's been one correct decision after another! Genuinely feels like it's exceeding even the launch-day promises, which were ambitious even by today's standards (awkwardly hinting at Starfield...).
I don't know what pisses me off more, that Facebook does this kind of stuff, or that they're utter snively cowards when called out for their crap moves.
Solidarity :3 deployed!
Gotta get that daily lick in!
Dunno what to say, looks like it's having an easier time at it than I did...
Too true! And, no, thank you for the reminder! It's so easy to lose track of these wonderful details nowadays...
The field ain't gonna reap itself!
It really is a beautiful place, damned near miraculous. Too bad there are so many shitheads looking to ruin it for everyone else...
Edit: added photo tax, let's keep this going! Granted, not as glamorous as OP's, but I love my native lands.
I genuinely think that's a noble sentiment and I share that concern. However, this would entail making a deal with the Devil at this point, and pretty much literally.
Most if not all relevant models nowadays are owned by outwardly unscrupulous people, which means any correct interaction we have with their models only serves to build up the Devil's throne.
It is a downright tragedy that people will suffer as a result of said models, but that fault is not on us. Besides the fact that they're essentially stealing labour and data in order to train their models, they're also using them to dish out propaganda, to replace workers and throwing them in a ditch, to cause yet another financial bubble which'll flush the toilet when it inevitably pops - again.
We need to let them fail, otherwise we are just encouraging others to use us in the same exact ways.