Always love a Bjørn video
This! Always smart to diversify.
I’ll have to go with Picard on that one too it is called the PRIME directive for a reason.
You can both get PGP, exchange public keys and send encrypted text with whatever service you want.
I read that Electrify America is also also going to offer NACS plugs at their stations in the future so Tesla probably won’t be the only game in town for long.
I second this!
Some folks genuinely don’t like any synthetically created pharmaceuticals. But I have a feeling that some politicians and media personalities are spreading misinformation to keep people fearful and therefore under their control. If those in power keep people fearful of the big bad vaccines then they can swoop in and save them from it.
It’s like they are pranking the fish.
Classic! Happy Birthday.
Aladdin was one of my favorite Disney animated movies and I also enjoyed the live action version. Was it something I was asking for? No, but I don’t think there is anything wrong with making a live action version just as long as it is well done.
Though in a universe with shape shifters, creatures that implant themselves in brains and not to mention telepathy I don’t blame them for being suspicious and investigating any sign of irregular behavior.