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[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

What is implied with alacritty not being customizable, what is then .config/alacritty/alacritty.toml meant for? That said, I'd argue kitty has hard coded what fonts can be used with it, though some might think this is good, but in my mind it's a limitation.

At any rate, this is a matter of taste. I use alacritty with screen. Some might argue kitty is better because of tabs supports, and if that's a thing for them, then that's fine...

At any rate, again, terminal emulators are a matter of taste...

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Because I have no clue what's going on... I'm assuming you guys know better.

And no, they don't seem to be old... There's a recent post about dino I don't see, I don't see either a post about some messages not decrypted, another about dergchart, and finally another one about gajim...

If there's nothing to comment here, that's fine... I was just wondering.

submitted 2 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi !

As I have account on, I look into the lemmy community created on through the federated lemmy community, but its contents don't match the ones on the original slrpnk community. There are some messages missing.

Not sure if this is something someone would care, but I was planning to look at the contents through the lemmy instance, where I do have my account...

Greetings !

[-] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

You might want to set both configs off. Not just one, although one seems off by default, but better make sure both get off in librewolf.cfg...

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

IT might be, but librelinux for example really removes all binary blobs, although there's some tooling around doing that, so new cases might be missed without human inspection, but they are careful about binary blobs... So from the whole spectrum of open source stuff, if you care about binary blobs, chances are better on the libre/free SW side.

[-] [email protected] 21 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Well this one is not false, :(

Though this one is:

So it seems not quite fully disabled... But telemetry is supposed to be off on librewolf...

submitted 5 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I believe the settings to disable this on Librewolf are set by default...

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago

Probably Guix, and GNU endorsed distributions. Binary blobs are not allowed on free/libre distributions, or not on their official repos. That said, most gnu + linux distributions don't care about those. Most will take care, if they get to realize it, about distribution licenses, so if something has some sort of legal issue to be distributed, that will get purged from its repos most probably...

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

BTW, moved to iosevka myself, now my current preferred font for both, the console, and fixed fonts...

Many thanks for the suggestion @[email protected]

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

I'm not systemd user, and I generally see this absorbing as much as possible as a terrible practice. I don't usually comment on systemd stuff, since I'm happy just not being forced to use it.

However, even though I don't use it, the decision of people managing systemd really affects non systemd users. See by succeeding in getting all major distros into become systemd distros (somehow now governed by RH, if anyone cares), everything systemd absorbs tend to leave alternatives sooner or later deprecated, or abandoned.

Even autofs is no longer part of some official repos, given systemd has its own auto mount/unmount functionality... And there are several other examples...

At any rate, hopefully the more bloated systemd, doesn't make it the more vulnerable. And also hopefully, doesn't make life worse and worse to non systemd distros and users...

BTW, before sudo there was su, so a life without sudo is possible, :)

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

I'm all for Jami, and XMPP.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Jami is the GNU alternative, if you're wondering

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Uff, somehow missed your post. See mine. That's the FS I'm hoping to use next. I'm waiting for it to support swapfile, or alternatively read from official sources they won't ever support it, :). But yes, that's the one I'm looking forward to use.

submitted 4 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey !

On LOS 21, the app DeviceLockController is there, but it can't be stopped neither disable, at least from my side.

There's another one I don't trust, Android System Intelligence, but I could stop it and disable it.

Those two apps really are scary to be part of LOS. Is anyone aware of bugs on LOS about getting rid of them?

How about DeviceLockController? A reasonable way to disable it without risking too much bricking the phone in the process?

Thanks !

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

xz-5.6.1-2 from Artix system repo is already available.

Artix corresponding news: The xz package has been backdoored

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm not self hosting, so I'm depending on what the server admin enables, and the policies they establish.

That said, the server fully supports xep-0313, which perhaps among other things control messages being kept on the server precisely for the purpose of sending them to all registered devices, thus allowing the sync.

But perhaps there's a policy in place removing the messages from the server as soon as some device has gotten it, leaving only online devices with the ability to grab them. I don't know if that's possible...

I experimented getting a device offline for a couple of minutes, and then exchanged messages with another account, and also to my same account. Then eventually I got the device offline, and none of the messages, not even the ones sent to myself, were ever synced on the device just coming online...

This is really sad, since that's precisely one of the benefits of having servers over peer to peer solutions, it's easier to sync devices through the server.

Might this be some sort of policy to keep disk usage on the server low?

I might need to explore some other server if that's the case...

Thanks !

Edit: Communicated with the admin, and they mentioned this was unexpected.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Just wondering, as the reasons to move here are gone, can the community go back to There are quite some posts over, so going back there would be useful I believe, and also moving the few posts here over there would be just great (perhaps not the comments)...

Just an honest question, not to provoke flame wars or anything like it...

Greetings !

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from:

Anyone aware of a conversations fork with support for unified push notifications? Or a similar xmpp android app with omemo (just the same as conversations' support) and unified push notifications support, available through the official f-droid repor or a f-droid repo if not available from the official ones?

BTW, I noticed [email protected] community was locked. Any particular reason for that?

Also, Converstions requests to set unrestricted use of battery, to use battery under background without restrictions. So it seems unified push notifications would help, though this github issue sort of indicates unified push notifications wouldn't help, so it just tells me there's no intention to include support for it on Conversations, but not that it wouldn't help save battery.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Anyone aware of a conversations fork with support for unified push notifications? Or a similar xmpp android app with omemo (just the same as conversations' support) and unified push notifications support, available through the official f-droid repor or a f-droid repo if not available from the official ones?

BTW, I noticed [email protected] community was locked. Any particular reason for that?

Also, Converstions requests to set unrestricted use of battery, to use battery under background without restrictions. So it seems unified push notifications would help, though this github issue sort of indicates unified push notifications wouldn't help, so it just tells me there's no intention to include support for it on Conversations, but not that it wouldn't help save battery.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected] provides several decentralized federated services, as email and xmpp, besides other cloud services as well... But not sure if asking here is right or not, but don't know anywhere to ask either...

Is it having a license issue, does anyone know about it? Any status updates?

Websites prove their identity via certificates. LibreWolf does not trust this site because it uses a certificate that is not valid for The certificate is only valid for

But also: has a security policy called HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), which means that LibreWolf can only connect to it securely. You can’t add an exception to visit this site.

The issue is most likely with the website, and there is nothing you can do to resolve it. You can notify the website’s administrator about the problem.

I also tested with ungoogled chromium and pretty similar thing...

Anyonea aware, and also about disroot saying on this?

Edit (sort of understood already, no issue with disroot at all): The issue only shows up under the office VPN. It seems like disroot is not recognizing the office's cert...

Edit: Solved. Yes it's the office replacing the original cert with its own, as someone suggested. Thanks to all.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Anyone aware of a testing framework hopefully integrating well, and abstracting the shuttle testing functionality?

BTW I found rtest, but it doesn't in particular abstracts shuttle at all, it's a fixtures generic framework.

Planning to use shuttle to do MT testing targeting C binded code, and looking for a way to abstract as much as possible the shuttle scheduler trait and such...

Thanks !

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello !

As Mint is based on Ubuntu, I’m wondering if it will follow the missteps (to me at least) Ubuntu is doing to demote *.deb packages in favor of snaps?

Well that based on Ubuntu 23.10’s New Software App Will Demote DEBs (Apparently) post, and its discussion.

From all ubuntu based distros, Mint seems not to follow those missteps, but I'm wondering if Rhino will do the same. Actually I don't like Rhino created a wrapper package manager which actually gets snap support as well as apt on the same bucket. But who knows, it might be they won't follow ubuntu on this.

Does anyone know?

My interest on Rhino comes from it being rolling release. But I don't want snap to become the source of common/important packages.

Thanks !

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

AFAIK waybar doesn't offer quick launch buttons, but it does offer custom modules, which one can use to mimic such buttons. I'm using custom modules in a pretty simple way, for example for librewolf (I didn't find an awesome icon font for it, so using the FF one):

    "custom/librewolf": {
        "format": "",
        "interval": "once",
        "on-click": "librewolf",

I have some other ones for other applications. I do use keybindings as well, and I can use wofi to search for the applications, but none of them are really alternatives for other users.

It does work ! However I was looking for a very simple way to add what official modules, like a "tooltip-format" which is part of the official modules. Not sure why on earth it's not part of the custom modules. So for example, I'd look for something similar to:

    "custom/librewolf": {
        "format": "",
        "tooltip-format" "Librewolf Browser"
        "interval": "once",
        "on-click": "librewolf",

So that if someone doesn't recognize the awesome font icon, one could just find out by the tip shown when getting the mouse on top of the button. As this is not supported. Is there any simple way to do that? Hopefully not requiring to add several scripts just for this. Something that might be part of such snippet, and pretty simple would be great, 🙂

Please let me know of suggestions.

Thanks !

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