
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

As I understand it it was still only a police response and the army was not called in. Why couldn't the municipalities just call in the police of their own accord?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

You believe that the possibility of economic harm to businesses is in itself justification for the invocation to Emergency act?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Isn't this also missing the point? Is what a judge thought before the case was heard relevant? Surely a court case involves presenting facts from both sides and arguing the case and not prejudging the case as if they were there before the start and before the case was heard. I think technically the judge would have to recuse himself.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

What is the legal definition of "unreasonable"?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (3 children)

What I am unclear about, as a non Canadian, is what the ruling means. For instance is there anything about the ruling, as it stands, to prevent or impede the government, in any way, from invoking the emergency act in future as long as they have a majority in parliament? If the ruling has no teeth why does the government care about it. Why even appeal it?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

So you are fluent in Russian language?

I know that the election process is gamed to some degree even if it's not Trump style.

Trying to get straight answers out of candidates or parties is near impossible and I've tried. They simply ignore my emails and if in person, at the market stalls, they do the same.


Is it purely advisory or does it have some teeth? Have their been any cases where the constitution has affected the outcome of a court decision?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I thought I would just chime in here if I am allowed. I looked for an official Facebook lemmy but couldn't find one.

I have become a bit satisfied with Facebook as of late. They used to allow tools for embedding social pages into private websites and whilst technically they still do their level of support for such seems to have plummeted to non existent. I don't know if that is a conscious effort by Meta to close down forum support or whether it is because they are moving more towards a "pay to play" business model. This in, my opinion, suddenly erects a huge barrier to entry, to even get started developing with their platform. It would seem to me it would have been more prudent, as a business model, to provide free support to get started but start charging when their products are established or at least have some way to talk to a support person.

What I am saying, in a roundabout way, is maybe the world is ready for a decent alternative, even in the business space, and Facebook no longer seems to be it. I really can't understand how their support has collapsed so badly for developers.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

You’re a foreigner but all your lemmy posts are about Canadian politics and your link is to a campaign video for Pierre Poilievre?

Correct. I am from and in New Zealand. I joined up on because you seem to be affiliated with more communities than what the NZ lemmy is.


I watched this YouTube video

How bad is it over there and how widespread? As a foreigner I thought my country was bad. How bad is it for people on average wages? Is it really hard to pay the rent and put food on the table or is that just a small minority who don't know how to manage their money?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

How many rooms is that and how much percentage of the average wage would that be?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Lenovo TB125FU

The update I think was to Android 13


After updating my Android tablet it completely changed the layout. Now when the tablet starts up and asks for the pin number the numbers are all tiny. Also when trying to access the drop down menu from swiping down from the top the list of options are all pushed to the side of the tablet. Does anyone know how to get the old layout back?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

So interest rates have also come down?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

That sounds so StackOverflow


As a foreigner who follows the Canadian news I saw on that the Canadian inflation rate is 2.8% which surprised me as in our country it is around 7%.

If so then how did Trudeau do it? How did he soak up all the money he printed during Covid?

Does that mean that housing and cost of living pressure has also been eased?

Would like to know your thoughts.


Admittedly I don't know Acts policies well but their leader I find a bit of a turnoff. He looks like a grinning goblin to me.


What are your plans for this community or is it abandoned?


I guess it depends on province but I heard you have high inflation over there. How is it affecting the average person over there?


It seems that Google and Facebook are pulling their news departments from Canada because of C18. Could that also potentially shut down this Lemmy? In fact I notice that Canadian forums are hard to find at the moment.


I've been working on a way of analysing a page of text stored in image format (a PNG file) to try and break the text up into normal text, separated text, mathematical equations and things that are just diagrams. I post it here so that hopefully I might get some feedback.

I posted this previously in Reddit but it didn't get a lot of traction or start much of a discussion. I am hoping I might here.

I am by no means an expert in Javascript. My language of choice has been in Python but there was no good way of getting visual feedback quickly and easily as to how well my algorithm was working.

At the moment the whole thing is experimental and more of a proof of concept. In the future I am hoping it will be able to analyse uploaded PDFs and convert them to a combination of paragraph text (possibly using something like Tesseract) and for the mathematical equations to AsciiMath or Latex using something like MathPix. Then I would be able to pass it into some kind of text to speech engine.

I am still at the preliminary stages but a working demo is on

Source code is accessible from there but is also on

Someone, after viewing an earlier version of my project, suggested that Tesseract should already do this. However, as far as I can tell, Tesseract only gives the location of decipherable text on the page and not things like diagrams.

It was written initially in Python but I converted it to Javascript because it was far easier to debug visually with Chrome developer tools. As a side benefit it also seems to run much faster. It's not particularly optimised so I am sure it could even go much faster.

The process of boxing the characters and rows of text but is probably grossly inefficient but the basic idea is as follows:

Pixel data is converted into horizontal line segments by the data_to_raster function. The line segments being stored in an array of the format [y, [x1, x2], [x3, x4]. [x5,x6].... ] where y is the height offset of that particular image pixel row and data like [x1,x2] says that all the pixels from x1 to x2 are coloured in.

Then find_boxes attempts to reread that array and turn it into boxes containing individual characters. It returns an array of arrays where the inner array takes the form [x1, y1, x2, y2] which describe the bounding box for the character inside. I initially thought it should try and find glyphs (character shapes) by working out how the individual dots were connected to make up a character. However this doesn't apply for the small letter "i" which contains a small dot at the top, for example. Therefore what I opted for in the head is that that a given character is anything that overlaps with its horizontal space. This does render the occasional false positives (like on the first line of the demo where "Ch" are wrongly guessed as one character) but doesn't seem to cause any real problems.

The get_row_sorted function, which is rather badly named, is to sort the boxes of the characters in the array to the order that they would appear in the page from left to right.

The group_into_paragraphs function attempts to divide the rows into paragraphs by computing the quartile of the row spacing and then using that to determine if the previous row belongs to the same paragraph as the next row.

The stepBoxes.step function is then used to pull all the characters out of a two dimensional array (called rowData) where the major index refers to which "line" the characters are onand the minor index is the position of that character on the line. Then I try to do some crude statistical analysis on the median and upper quartile spacing on the spacing between characters in order to further break up a row into independent segments. (You can see this in the demo on the first line and also with many of the lines containing mathematical equations.) This method is pretty crude and there is probably a better way of doing this. This whole function runs on a timer callback for the purpose of running it slower to make it easier to see what is happening in practice.

Plans for the future include a Node JS backend and the ability to load PDFs and have it produce a new PDF with image of text replaced by actual OCR'd text.

This code is by no means work of art. It needs to be refactored. I am just not 100% sure yet where that refactoring should occur. Certainly it could be made more Dry. The code could contain Javascript generators instead of loops in some places. However I think there are also places where it is unavoidable to run through an array or list twice. For instance in computing the median spacing between characters which also requires a sort. I probably also need to do the same thing for the text rows in order to identify where the paragraphs are.

Even at this stage I am happy for anyone to point me to a library or web application that already does this. Especially if it can convert the mathematical equations into text as well. (I just don't know of any.)

Anyway, constructive criticism and advice are welcomed.


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