Fuck me. My mom's anniversary is Monday.
Bath salts appear to turn you into Sloth from The Goonies.
I can't see squat, there's a hurricane outside.
That article is so much worse than I thought it would be. Holy shit.
You'd be surprised how many medical people are that ignorant. I work with first responders, and the covid years utterly destroyed my soul. So, so many friends and coworkers in that field are antivax.. People I care about and thought rather highly of. And literally every single one is a trumper to boot.
It looks like he's missing a flipper. I bet that really wreaks havoc on his balance / equilibrium.
I mean, nothing is stopping you now. Live your dream!
She is a product of her environment. She is also nearly 50.
Ohhh. This is the dude who performs the song my coworker was all but having orgasms over yesterday and was trying to make me listen to - "the lyrics are amazing, just listen to them!" She already thinks she's magnetic from a hepatitis vaccine, and this morning informed me that the moon landing was a hoax, so I think I made the right call in utterly ignoring her and her stupid song.
If you are on ios, Memmy can.
The most recent, the Pulse 3D ones. Much better than the others I've tried. The battery seems to last a lot longer, too, which is nice.