Are those barely related facts or are you convinced a kid being just forced to learn an instrument qualifies as child abuse?
Yeah, I got that part, why is there someone behind them super weirdly embracing them?
Gotta admit I can't argue here, I only briefly had to deal with SAIF for a pretty minor on the job injury that did not result in any paid time loss and I barely had to think about it, just went to the doctor and didn't pay anything a few times. Easy to imagine that experience is not universal to more serious issues.
And 69% of statistics are made up
WTAF is going on with that thumbnail?
I am... ALMOST sure they're making a joke about farting keeping them awake.
People get a significant amount of their protein intake from sources that aren't usually considered "proteins". Lentils (and mung beans if you don't think of them as lentils), wheat, rice etc all have significant amounts of protein (especially lentils). Yogurt and cheese has lots of it too. Not sure what part of India you're in or what sort of food you're mostly eating but my guess is you're getting more protein than you realize.
Same reason we know what a liter is but still use pints and gallons. Because we recognize the value of the easy precision of metric when it's needed but prefer imperial for our day to day lives.
Yeah, pretty much standard in hostile regime changes. ROC to PRC, Russian Empire to USSR, Italy multiple times, happens literally all the time in third world countries where regimes are toppled by first world backed forces to install a government more friendly to said first world country (pretty much exactly what happened in the US tbh)
SAIF is a state run public corporation directed by a board appointed by the governor to operate a needed service for the benefit of the public. Its structure is similar to Amtrak. This is not a good target at all for anti for profit healthcare protest. (Even if the CEO is still paid too much)
Undereducated people who can't stand the cognitive dissonance of the liberal control of CA, paying lip service to issues that actually affect the working class while enriching the elites, restricting freedom and protecting the stability of the status quo above all.
I mean, yeah it's possible to watch a show and only watch the "MOTW" style episodes that don't deal with the central overarching plot. I wouldn't recommend it in DS9 though.