Toivottavasti päästään pian luomaan hyvät suhteet itsenäisten Karjalan tasavallan, Inkerin ja Murmanskin kanssa
I still say, lemlings
Joudun väliaikaisesti asumaan porukoilla, käyn elokuvissa, masennun ehkäpä
Ei saatana mikä sirkus
the other side of that is it allows for community moderation of low-value, offensive, or unwanted content
Beautiful thought but you know very well that's not how people use the downvote button. There's plenty of content that is not low-value, offensive or unwanted that gets downvoted.
Not the biggest downvote fan myself either but remember, if you ever express this opinion whether on Reddit or here, you will always get downvoted xD I wish people wouldn't use the downvote button on comments that, while they might disagree with, still add to the conversation and are not spreading misinformation or anything like that. But unfortunately, people treat the up and downvotes as like and dislike buttons.
Asexual does not and has never meant "not interested in sex". An asexual person is someone who doesn't experience sexual attraction. It's a sexual orientation.
--Heterosexual = Sexually attracted to opposite sex
--Homosexual = Sexually attracted to same sex
--Bisexual = Sexually attracted to both
--Asexual = Sexually attracted to nothing and no one
(To put it simplified.)
This meme is about someone coming out as asexual (= does not experience sexual attraction) and some asshole is telling them that they're not actually asexual but that they don't feel sexual attraction because of trauma. More often than not, no such trauma actually even exists. But people who deny the existence of asexuality insist that it's not a real sexual orientation, and if asexuals got over this non-existent "trauma", they would be "cured" into being "normal".
Well. Let's just say I've heard multiple times from lesbians that asexuals need to get shot and dumped in a mass grave.
Progressive, like queer rights are the most important political matter for me.
Current system is a failure (the nordic model for me), people are driven into loneliness and even if you work, you can't survive. Salaries aren't high enough. Robots and AI are supposed make it so people can earn more money and do less work. Instead, the owners take all the benefits of automatization making historical profits and workers are left with nothing but poverty. Then the rich oppose to every form of social benefits to the workers they exploit. This is wrong and needs to be stopped or we will destroy ourselves.
I also want to live in a commune or a yurt village or whatever because it's too damn lonely here. So many people would feel better if there was a possbility to prepare meals with others, do daily tasks with others' help, fill boring moments with games and song... But instead we are sitting in our tiny apartments all alone and maybe drinking ourselves blackout drunk to get even a shiver of freedom from this depressing, meaningless existence
Siis joku inkerinsuomalaisten, inkeroisten ja vatjalaisten asuttama Inkeri? Ei. Viittasin lähinnä Leningradin oblastiin itsenäisenä valtiona alueen historiallisella nimellä.