
joined 2 years ago
[–] kabukimeow 2 points 4 months ago

I get job contracts for a few months at a time. Sometimes there are months when I'm unemployed, and those are hard on my savings. I used to do just fine, but this year has been very difficult and my normal savings are pretty much gone. (I still got some in funds/investments though.) So basically, I had a buffer but I had to use it, and now I have nothing. I guess it's because of the rise in prices? I don't "waste" money on frivolous things like I might have in the past, but it's only getting more and more difficult. Add to this student loans. I wouldn't have €1000 to spare for an unexpected expense. I am really angry at society, to be honest. If the job market wasn't so ass, I wouldn't have to deal with these short contracts.

[–] kabukimeow 7 points 4 months ago

Someone will get hurt, there's no avoiding that. But you should not sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of not hurting your friend. Sometimes we need to be a bit selfish in life.

[–] kabukimeow 2 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I stayed out of the game for nearly a year and then went back, ah the sweet sight of a quest list with actual quests in it ^^'''

[–] kabukimeow 5 points 5 months ago

Awesome, congrats!

[–] kabukimeow 2 points 5 months ago
  1. I like animation, though I mostly watch anime and donghua (Chinese animation). My favourites on that front actually tend to be pretty epic adventure stories, or total tragedies with a happy ending or not (á la Fate/Zero or such).

  2. I like political satire. On that front, I always mention the animated police comedy Pasila.

[–] kabukimeow 1 points 5 months ago

Genshin I guess? But it's only similar to BotW in the very beginning I'd say, it very much has its own identity. I'm immune to the gacha because I have zero interest in putting money into it so anything like that doesn't bother me. I love the characters, story and exploration, especially in the desert! Of course it still eats my money from all the fanmade merch I buy and cosplays I make ^^'''

[–] kabukimeow 14 points 5 months ago

I've never understood screentime that works like, 1 hour of computer+TV+phone allowed per day. You can't even finish a movie in that... I'm glad my parents were lenient on me in that sense, and I was trustworthy too since I didn't do anything bad.

[–] kabukimeow 2 points 5 months ago

I don't know it, I'll check it out. Thanks!

[–] kabukimeow 2 points 5 months ago

Makes no difference really

[–] kabukimeow 61 points 5 months ago (2 children)

The planet is being destroyed and the politicians are not doing enough. So activists protest. That's good! I can't imagine being angry at climate activists for ~inconveniencing~ my day; after all, the real culprits are the politicians who don't do enough!

[–] kabukimeow 14 points 5 months ago (4 children)

I LOVE the Epic of Gilgamesh, and the historic city of Uruk (Warka) is in modern day Iraq. In that way, I have a lot of respect for the history. However, I would be too scared to travel there, for example. I hope truly that now after ISIS war, things keep getting better for the people there. I don't hear many news from there anymore, though I wouldn't mind hearing.

[–] kabukimeow 2 points 5 months ago

"Russia-friendly government"

Ah, that explains


Suomen maakunnat osallistuvat leikkimieliseen laulukilpailuun, omaa maakuntaa ei tietenkään voi äänestää.

(Ja sun verovaroilla tietty järkätty.)


Halloween meni nyt, mutta onko teillä tapana juhlia kekriä? Itselle se on vakiintunut marraskuun ensimmäiselle lauantaille. Kuulemma kekri on tekemässä ~huimaa paluuta~ jos Yleä on uskominen. Tuohon en osaa sanoa, onko totta vai ei, mutta täällä päin siitä on tullut pidetty kaupunkijuhla/markkinapäivä. Siksi itsellekin on tullut tärkeäksi juhlia edes menemällä sinne markkinoille.

Olen yrittänyt hankkia uusia harrastuksia viime aikoina, että saisi vähennettyä kaikkea turhaa netin ja somen selailua; tulee nimittäin paljon parempi mieli, jos saa päivässä jotain aikaankin. Siksi aloitin vasta harjoittelemaan musiikin teoriaa. Tuli juuri (omasta mielestä) hauska ajatus väsätä jokin vanhoihin runoihin perustuva kekrirallatus, kun joululauluja meillä on pilvin pimein.

Lumine X Ayaka (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 years ago by kabukimeow to c/genshinsapphic
fem!chiscara (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 years ago by kabukimeow to c/genshinsapphic
fem!chiscara (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 years ago by kabukimeow to c/genshingays

Pitäisi tulla voimaan ensi vuonna. 🎉

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