
joined 1 year ago
[–] kabukimeow 2 points 1 month ago

Totta. Siksi meno olisi varmaan samanlaista, kuin Euroviisuissa, että edustavan artistin tai lauluntekijöidenkään ei tarvitse olla ko. alueelta kotoisin 🤔

[–] kabukimeow -1 points 1 month ago

I saw it recently, in a large paper. Idk where you are but here, people will gladly greenwash their actions by destroying vulnerable forests for wind turbines that don't even produce enough to excuse their existences. Doesn't mean wind turbines are always ineffective in every case. But it can be done inethically.


Suomen maakunnat osallistuvat leikkimieliseen laulukilpailuun, omaa maakuntaa ei tietenkään voi äänestää.

(Ja sun verovaroilla tietty järkätty.)

[–] kabukimeow -1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

True about budget and time on these things but i still think it's worth going for... It's better than coal or oil. And wind turbines and small scale hydroplants are not nearly as effective as we've sometimes been told, unfortunately. I'm not a Scot tho so you guys do what u will

[–] kabukimeow 2 points 1 month ago (8 children)

If i remember correctly, Sandu said they'll take care of transnistria soon. Just hoping this is actually true

[–] kabukimeow 2 points 1 month ago

Jaah kannattaa vissiin myöhään nukkua

[–] kabukimeow 7 points 1 month ago

I will proceed with spamming Europapa everywhere

[–] kabukimeow 5 points 1 month ago

Jos kannatetaan kahden valtion mallia niin sitten pitäisi tosiaan se Palestiina ottaa mukaan

[–] kabukimeow 13 points 5 months ago

Good to know everyone else around me is satisfied 😅

[–] kabukimeow 2 points 6 months ago

Every month, I put some money into a savings account for future apartment, and a fund. I try to buy the essentials and little extra. My income is regular as long as I'm employed...

[–] kabukimeow 28 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Sir you're not exactly young yourself...

[–] kabukimeow 2 points 8 months ago

Meeting my gf again. Moving in together..

[–] kabukimeow 6 points 8 months ago

Lmao are you seriously trying to imply there's some conspiracy in the Finnish society to keep "others" out instead of the fact that Finland was a poor shithole until relatively recently and people only really started moving in during the 90s which is also comparatively late


Halloween meni nyt, mutta onko teillä tapana juhlia kekriä? Itselle se on vakiintunut marraskuun ensimmäiselle lauantaille. Kuulemma kekri on tekemässä ~huimaa paluuta~ jos Yleä on uskominen. Tuohon en osaa sanoa, onko totta vai ei, mutta täällä päin siitä on tullut pidetty kaupunkijuhla/markkinapäivä. Siksi itsellekin on tullut tärkeäksi juhlia edes menemällä sinne markkinoille.

Olen yrittänyt hankkia uusia harrastuksia viime aikoina, että saisi vähennettyä kaikkea turhaa netin ja somen selailua; tulee nimittäin paljon parempi mieli, jos saa päivässä jotain aikaankin. Siksi aloitin vasta harjoittelemaan musiikin teoriaa. Tuli juuri (omasta mielestä) hauska ajatus väsätä jokin vanhoihin runoihin perustuva kekrirallatus, kun joululauluja meillä on pilvin pimein.

Lumine X Ayaka (lemmy.world)
fem!chiscara (lemmy.world)
fem!chiscara (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by kabukimeow to c/genshingays

Pitäisi tulla voimaan ensi vuonna. 🎉

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by kabukimeow to c/asexual

I've been identifying as ace for 10 years at this point, and I have always for the most part been completely fine with it. But recently I've been feeling very lonely. I can't quite vibe with the "I don't need nobody 😎" ace meme energy anymore as I mostly just feel sad about it. The worst part is that I'd rather "date" or whatever ace-date, qpr, I don't know, another woman, but I don't really have options because I live in a small town. It's kinda been wearing me down :(

Also, I got a little lesbian flag colour sticker recently and I feel like an impostor. Though I am bambi lesbian I think? But still...

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