Can't even be mad at them. Poor idiots were convinced to join the military. That's the first time they got shafted. Then they got bombarded with missinformation that made them believe voting for trump is a good idea even though it very clearly went against their own interests. Shaft 2: Electric Boogaloo.
It's like a Pokemon that keeps hurting itself in its confusion. These people are in need of assistance. Somone should pat their shoulders and say "there, there". Best we can do.
It's pretty much dead to me. I know it was always ass but at some point the OC/spam ratio gets too bad to bother. Lost memes were a good time. Now I'd have to sift through 80 incels calling eachother tranny to find a single post with a shred of an original thought behind it. Eh, maybe it's the same and I just got too old for it. Doesn't matter in the end.