
joined 2 years ago
[–] justsomeguy 5 points 3 days ago (1 children)

It's pretty much dead to me. I know it was always ass but at some point the OC/spam ratio gets too bad to bother. Lost memes were a good time. Now I'd have to sift through 80 incels calling eachother tranny to find a single post with a shred of an original thought behind it. Eh, maybe it's the same and I just got too old for it. Doesn't matter in the end.

[–] justsomeguy 11 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Can't even be mad at them. Poor idiots were convinced to join the military. That's the first time they got shafted. Then they got bombarded with missinformation that made them believe voting for trump is a good idea even though it very clearly went against their own interests. Shaft 2: Electric Boogaloo.

It's like a Pokemon that keeps hurting itself in its confusion. These people are in need of assistance. Somone should pat their shoulders and say "there, there". Best we can do.

[–] justsomeguy 4 points 3 days ago

By the looks of it he has the three stooges syndrome. Indestructible.

[–] justsomeguy 12 points 3 days ago (4 children)

It was also raw as fuck. That allowed for some very honest interactions but also introduced a shitload of trash to filter through. Then the whole political influx came in a decade ago and fully ruined it. lemmy seems like a good middle way. no senseless karma farming but also some tools to moderate.

[–] justsomeguy 17 points 5 days ago

While there, pick up some books. I stumbled into my library 2 years ago and picked some books up. Got sucked into exzessive smartphone use before that and could barely read more than 10 minutes without getting restless or sleepy. Took a while to recondition myself to just sitting in a chair and reading but it‘s so much better than endless scrolling.

Fuck the endless barrage of subscription services. Imma just sit in me chair, read me book and torrent the occasional movie.

[–] justsomeguy 7 points 6 days ago

Part of them don't care. A bigger part simply don't understand. People are being blasted with misinformation and they don't have the tools to filter through it. The bottom 30% in cognitive competence are on the brink of mental disability. That's 100 million voters.

You can be mad at them but it'd be like being mad at a kid with down syndrome that ends up being a conservative because they like monstertrucks and wrestling and the ads between their shows tell them to be.

Fuck those who create and spread wrongful information. They're the cancer of the current age.

[–] justsomeguy 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

tldr burn-in isn't really much of an issue for OLEDs anymore

[–] justsomeguy 5 points 1 month ago

Guys would it be gay to eat a bullet like this? Asking for a friend.

[–] justsomeguy 36 points 1 month ago (4 children)

"Nintendo WILL announce the Switch 2 in March. Everything I'm hearing dating back to Gamescom last year has indicated something was happening in March. That talk has resurfaced in the past few weeks, and it is indicating that the Switch 2 is set for a reveal or an announcement in March."

That's from the same RELIABLE leaker from a year ago and that's just the first one I saw. The amount of leakers who claimed it would get announced over the last year is comically large. I guess if you post this once a week eventually you'll be right. I mean, yeah an announcement seems likely at this point but there's no need to bring Randomguess McGee into the conversation.

[–] justsomeguy 114 points 1 month ago (4 children)

It's a bit misleading to phrase it as they did. Germany didn't trial this. A few companies in Germany did. How many? Well fuck me if I know because the author does their best to keep any absolute numbers out of the article. I'm all for reducing work time since our productivity has easily risen enough to allow for that (once we eat the rich) but don't try to sugarcoat it.

[–] justsomeguy 11 points 2 months ago

Imagine you're in LA and a small community of survivors has formed. All of them need to eat and drink. Each of them could fuck up (leave door open, get infected and hide it, etc.). You sit down to make a list of all the skills they have and after hearing "improv theater" for the tenth time you change your mind about OP.

[–] justsomeguy 14 points 2 months ago

Bing, Bing, Wah-gunshots


As I sit here and wait in Q after running into an invisible wall and disconnecting I couldn't help but wonder why this is needed to play what is essentially a single player game. Right, it's because nobody buys horse armor if they can't show it off in some mmo-ish open world nobody asked for. At least that's my best guess. This is not just a whine thread though. I genuinely asked myself why I'm putting up with this and it's because the game has a ton of beauty and fun to it that's wrapped in annoying monetization and general greed driven fuckery. So as the artists and programmers are carrying a horde of greedy goblins on their backs, I'd like to remind you all to lift with your legs.

submitted 2 years ago by justsomeguy to c/diablo

I know it's early but I'm very disappointed in the build variety of barbarians so far. It's shout builds only because anything else is too weak to compete. Even found the unique chain pull axe but giving up a shout on the bar is simply not worth it. Anyway with the start of the first season I'd like a class with some variety to play around with different builds. Any recommendations?

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