
joined 2 years ago
[–] jumperalex 38 points 1 year ago

Yup. I'd love to see an analysis of his victims. How many 6'5" grown adult men of reasonable physical build does he try this shit on? Maybe a nice histogram of height vs. prank count. I wonder where the data points will end; hmmm?

[–] jumperalex 8 points 1 year ago (11 children)

what does lasting 30sec have to do with it? how long would it have lasted if Colie hadn't pulled a gun? how many more times would have have been threatened? And yes he was being threatened by a 6'5" man continually advancing on him.

Remove the gun from the equation; what if Colie had beaten Cook instead until he felt safe again and put him in the hospital ? Would that be justified since it didn't involve a gun? Same result either way.

you need to forget about the fact that this was a prank or what Cook's intent was. They have no baring. Only what the real victim (Colie) perceived; and Colie felt threatened and had every right to defend himself. The fact that the means he used was a gun is an entirely different topic of conversation. He felt under threat as any reasonable person would in that situation.

[–] jumperalex 32 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I guess you didn't read the part in the summary above (no link clicking even needed) where it says the victim (yes Colie is the real victim here)

says “stop” three different times and tries to back away from Cook, who continues to advance. Colie tries to knock the phone away from his face before pulling out a gun and shooting Cook in the lower left chest.

Does Cook "deserve to be killed"? No, but "deserve" is not the right word here. "Expect" is more like it, and yes he should expect to be at risk of serious bodily harm for approaching a stranger, with unknown intent (to the stranger), and a failure to back off when clearly told to stop and retreated from.

In an ideal world Colie wouldn't have had a gun and Cook would have just been beaten until the perceived threat was eliminated. But regardless of your political/philosophical feelings about gun ownership in the US, it is the current fact of the land and if you Fuck Around you better be prepared to Find Out. Then again, at 6'5" Cook probably feels like he's safe from a beating and I'd be very surprised to find out he's tried these stunts out on grown men of equal size; even this dolt can do that math.

I am glad he's not dead. I hope he has learned his lesson to not be a piece of shit human being too selfish to understand we are not here for his amusement. My hopes are likely to be left unfulfilled.

[–] jumperalex 5 points 1 year ago

Well, in this case I'd say split the difference and make it each incident escalates where an incident #1 = "we caught you, we told you", incident #2 = "we told you yesterday to fix your shit / don't do it again, 2x fine" rinse repeat. Otherwise you run the risk of bankrupting a small business that had all 10 of their workers in violation, and maybe even not making a dent in a large business that only had 1 out of 1000 workers caught in violation

In addition to per-incident escalation, what I could get on board with are scaled fines based on contract / business size. The first incident is still "survivable" for small businesses but will actually have teeth for those larger ones. And then of course if they keep violating, say bye-bye economic viability.

[–] jumperalex 13 points 1 year ago (1 children)


Well TIL what a Dittohead is hahaha

51yo Gen X here ...

The thing I don't get is that I see the logic to the theory of why someone would become economically conservative as they gain wealth, but it doesn't quite track becoming socially "conservative" as well.

I'm doing well enough, and of a demographic, that I should fit the curve of becoming more conservative. But in addition to more assets as I've grown older, I've gained empathy due to personal and observational experiences in my life. Not surprisingly to me, that's shifted my social politics to the left. Perhaps a little surprisingly, because of my growing sense of empathy, my "keep what I got" emotions are more than counter balanced by my "we need to help others" emotions and so my economic politics are also shifting left.

[–] jumperalex 1 points 1 year ago

Hahaha love it

[–] jumperalex 1 points 1 year ago

and give more reason to cancel Prime

[–] jumperalex 36 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I don't have kids, and perhaps you don't either?

I'm old enough with enough friend with kids, and recall being a 2yo myself, and I can say its INCREDIBLY easy to lose track of a 2yo. It only takes seconds to lose sight of them. How far they get after losing site isn't an indicator of how long you weren't paying attention, but how long you've been looking before finding them.

[–] jumperalex 7 points 1 year ago


Next question.

I want off this timeline!

[–] jumperalex 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The Legends trilogy I managed to get through by sheer determination

You mean by will alone, right? ;-)

[–] jumperalex 9 points 1 year ago

But the way they stopped it was hilarious!

[–] jumperalex 10 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Because everything, literally EVERYTHING, long and thin MUST be made that shape for Freudian phallic reasons by penis obsessed men.

There is simply no chance at all that a long thin shape is just the best engineering answer to the requirement to stand tall and erect and/or smoothly penetrate a fluid medium with minimal resistance.

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