There's millions of Venezuelans in Colombia, Ecuador and further South. But their options there are for more limited than in the US.
The bobiverse is quite enjoyable if you're looking for some light, good natured space fun. The story is pretty original.
Didn't he basically campaign with this?
There's another free OSM based app that does have some traffic data, it's called Magic Earth. Not open source though, as their business model is to sell adapted versions.
What does the size of the country have to do with it? Which good big and bad small countries are you talking about?
I think EveryDoor requires some relatively deep understanding of OSM before actually being a useful tool. So edits like this should be rare with that tool. Many of the edits like this are from when MapsMe was very popular and suddenly introduced editing, without enough nuance in the process. Bad edits do happen everywhere, you need a good balance between people who data curation and newbies making beginner mistakes. In some places, there's a lack of experienced people maintaining the data.
Are you just talking about the US? In the EU, the sale of fully electric cars has actually gone down (as a % of market share), mostly to the gain of hybrids. See for example
Isn't it as much about showing up to vote than about changing minds who to vote for?
Women are not even more dangerous than that they have to be
Eh sure, though only number 20 in the world when it comes to national legislation. But when it comes to quality of life or even life expectancy, the US could do so much better given its wealth. Mostly I'm just trying to point out the automatic patriotism you see so often in Americans, even the progressive ones.
More women as state leaders you say? So we might finally see female leaders in countries like India, Argentina, the UK, Pakistan, France, Turkey, Bangladesh, Ukraine or Germany if only the US would be the shining example to the world?! I'm sorry, but when it comes to social progress, the best the US can hope for is finally catching up. Any option to be exemplary was definitely gone by maybe the 1970s
How would making states, towns or neighborhoods look richer cause outrage? For income statistics, median us a much better measure in most cases, because it reflects "the average experience" much better. If you want to highlight income inequality, there's plenty of other stats you can use, e.g. the percentage of all income going to the top 1%.