Turtle is either a massive troll and/or a massive misandrist who loved to use that sort of terminology at all times, that's why, this quip is in the fucking kiddie pool of the slurs and insults they used for no reason other than their life is seemingly so miserable. They are a childish asshole, that's all there is to it.
Yeah this seems like some selfawarewolves shit. And even in this whiny tirade they just couldn't leave some sort sexist/ableist/hateful insult off. As much as spez is a fucking tool, people like turtle are the bigger reason honestly the whole site had turned to diarrhea IMO - rampant assholes taking over the site.
After the success of Dark it just seems like an insane decision though. Fuck the Netflix-age. It's like a constant tease "oh hey we have all these great people doing amazing shows, but we're only gonna do a season or two and leave you hanging, just to fuck you... and oh hey we're reserving any eights so they can't finish it without us either :) that'll be 10€$£/month"
I was gonna say Raised by wolves and Adventure Time, but I see those have gotten the deserved attention so I'm gonna add Kidding. Not because it was left in a bad way, but it was just an amazing show.
...but I mean Raised by wolves just hurts, it was just peaking goddamnit!
Wait 1899 is canceled? Why the fuck would... fuck that sucks.
Brooker was apparently planning a spinoff or something called Red Mirror for which the Demon 79 and Mazey Day were written for. He talks about it in some interviews and there's plenty about in on the Wikipedia page for the new season/episodes. He goes into further detail, but honestly it just sounds like they couldn't make their mind up or ran out of ideas and came up with a bunch of backpedaling and excuses about how the people act and react the way they do because of technology or lack of it. In Mazey Day the technological/sociological aspect is supposed to be how society has changed since the hey-days of paparazzos and how everyone is a paparazzo now or some such. He just wants to explore different things now I guess.
I agree they work as stand alone things, but neither you or me are clearly not alone feeling that it's not quite Black Mirror - even though I could live the rest of my days without a single goddamn werewolf story, especially one as generic and plain as this even if it was a decent production.
And that is cheap in your mind?
I ran into this, "Reddit Media Downloader", but I'm having poor luck getting it running on MacOS. It at least says it could download Saved posts among other things, post and comment history etc. Just gonna leave it here if someone else has better luck with it.
Except it literally does affect them, they're literally the ones throwing tantrums and whining about how mods and others ruined the subs, without a hint of irony.
Yeah this didn't feel like Black Mirror really and apparently there's grounds for that: the last episode and "Maizy Day" were apparently supposed to be a part of some spinoff-y horror anthology series called "Red Mirror" and to be honest, barring the first episode, the rest did too to me. I'm so disappointed, this is what I waited for for all these years? Should've just gone with the Red Mirror and done like one long special episode, anything other than this really.
The first two episodes were OK even if the second one didn't feel like Black Mirror either and I did enjoy the wacky last episode, just not as Black Mirror.
Oh well, I haven't seen the older seasons probably since they came out so I'm gonna comfort myself with the good old days.
I don't know that account seems weird, they've copy-pasted the exact same comment several times. My passwords are all 16+ characters. Are there already bots here?
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee and the sequel Abe's Exoddus. Easily one/two of the best games I've ever played. They're available on PC and other systems these days, but they're still the definitive Playstation game for me. Unique and one of a kind and even today, absolutely great to play.
I also give a vote to Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver and Medievil. Surprised no-one's mentioned Oddworld though.
Edit: Ooh I have to add, Rayman! And if you have a friend to play with - Team Buddies.