Right on, brother.
Not "facist"? Maybe for 2025.
American Risotto
And then no one goes because it's too expensive. People are super, super price sensitive when it comes to food and restaurants go into a death spiral very quickly when business drops off.
For the lower left, when you're a bat you're probably not winning a mate on looks.
Whenever I see a cat named Pixel I wonder if the person has read The Cat Who Walks Through Walls.
It's a cliche but it honestly tastes like chicken. Neither particularly gross nor particularly exciting. After trying it I wouldn't go out of my way to have it again.
Does Korea have a huge gender imbalance in general?
The shredder.
Because most people don't actually know any trans people, and find unfamiliar things to be weird and scary.
But also because terrible people have weaponized those feelings for personal political gain. Most people probably wouldn't give a fuck, even if they found them weird, if talking heads weren't stoking the flames of bigotry.
That is a horrible abuse of the term "arcade shooter"
Very accidental Renaissance