Bot even that smart. There a study recently that simple questiona like "what was huckleberry finn first published" had a 60% error rate.
Yeah back in 2005 I lived in a house that used that. We were on the very edge of it range so a strong gust of wind could knock the internet down.
as someone getting into the it field. My current employer could make more of their IT department in house but they don't want the responsibility of that that want someone ELSE to take the blame when something fails.
true epically for smaller companies. Some really big companies like the could because they need to network all their 100 plus buildings. There is also externalizing responsibility and costs. But a doctor's office as no need for the could. But they all just pay for azure to get ms office.
Honestly I would be surprised if micro or on site cloud solutions becomes a real things for smaller sites.
even imperial had a logic when it was made, same with every old measurement system. Everyone has hands, fingers, and arms boom you have small scale. The acre was once just what a single ox and plow could do in 1 day. there was never a need to square feet per acre, who would ever need that. Plus look at how old system were written. Try uses the metric system with roman numerals.
Im pretty sure there a version of only that os could based. Let me get back to you
And this why democracy won't work. How can people votw in their best interests when they don't know how basic taxes work
Some people reallying don't understand arp. Also staus symbol and they could have brought it realozed they are underwater on the loan and are stuck with it.
Well that first part nit completely wrong
Having to explain to my grandma over the phone how to work the tv remote.
He had mad the world so much worse i can't feel sorry for him
Ok can they track my by loading tge image in the dm or do i have click on thr image