
joined 1 year ago

UPDATE: Ownership will be transferred to @paul and the instance will remain active, announcement post

Ninja, the owner of the instance, is retiring from naturist advocacy for personal reasons, and is therefore closing the instance. He mentions he's open to transferring admin to somebody else as long as his data privacy concerns about the transfer are addressed, otherwise the instance closes in July.

pl.nudie.social is only one of two Mastodon instances oriented towards the naturist community, the other being body.social, which is notorious for not requiring Content Warnings for nudity, which naturally puts it at odds with other Fediverse instances.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 6 months ago (1 children)

But it's not, they're not doing actual piracy there, they're talking about it, and that's very much not illegal

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 months ago

Time to let go

[–] [email protected] 5 points 7 months ago (3 children)

Just tried to create an account on fedia.io, which is the biggest of the mbin instances (at just about a bit above 4K users, so not THAT much), and it just could NOT take the registration, all i get is "429 Too Many Requests", after multiple tries. I suspect that says the instance is woefully underpowered for the traffic it's handling

[–] [email protected] 5 points 7 months ago

But that's what the marketers are selling, "this will replace a lot of workers!" and it just cannot

[–] [email protected] 12 points 7 months ago (6 children)

Just noticed that said user had posted numerous memes here, and now they added a post description complaining about this to each and every one of them

[–] [email protected] 16 points 7 months ago

This is by no means a vital service, but Imgur. Not the image hosting part itself, although the multiple self-hosted alternatives available are mostly aimed at photographs and surprisingly very few if any to memes and reactions for chats, forums and social media. On the other hand, the particular use case of sharing memes and meme dumps is not being fulfilled by anything else at the moment. Go to Imgur even on it's current sorry decayed state and at any time you'll find multiple people sharing image galleries, usually of up to 50 memes at a time, sometimes more. Lemmy, Mastodon and Discord servers try to fill that gap but right now they can't.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 7 months ago

The problem of course is that the vast mass of consumers won't do this, it's only us weirdos

[–] [email protected] 7 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Persistent apps running in the background. One constant complaint many have is background apps that should be left alone killed by battery-saving stuff. One of the ways to prevent this from happening that devs have used is persistent notifications. Killing this option fucks up lots of apps that are supposed to run in the background. I guess i'll stay away from Android 14 for now.


Somebody I’m helping has an ancient, and i mean ancient (like 3 major versions before latest or so) install of Rundeck doing stuff for them. Might help them upgrade it to the latest (more like reinstall and configure from scratch, it was built years ago with assumptions no longer true), but before i commit I’d like to know if there’s decent replacements/alternatives for it these days.

In case you don’t know Rundeck, it allows you to set it up so that a number of users, with various privilege levels, are allowed to execute scripts on remote machines, with whatever privileges the given script needs, giving them parameters from an allowed set you configure. That’s all, no more, no less.

Sounds like something that should be common, but when you look for alternatives it gives you everything that’s ever been touched by the word DevOps, from Ansible and every “configuration engine” software ever made, to automation libraries and the like. I just want something that does this and no more, let people run scripts while preventing them to break stuff. If it’s something commandline friendly (Rundeck wasn’t as far as i can see) much better, and doubly so if it’s user friendly (have tried AWX and feels like it wants to be able to run the whole of Google from a browser window, dislike it in general, far too convoluted, and not user friendly at all for the not very techie office workers that use Rundeck today).


‘People that are naked don’t want to end up with their photos on social media’


As a sysadmin mostly used to the nice and powerful way Postgres manages dates, every time i’ve had to do stuff on SQLite i find myself missing that. Feels like they offloaded that into whatever code connects to the database instead of handling it at DB level.

Is there a way to give SQLite the powerful and reliable date management Postgres has, or at least something similar? Hopefully something as devoid of dependency hell as SQLite itself is


Hi! I've inherited a machine installed by somebody else who's no longer in the company or the country. The machine is running just fine, but i see no Dockerfiles or docker-compose.yml, and this looks like something that came from a Compose file with a few linked containers.

Is it possible to reconstruct that info from the running containers? I'm still a raw Docker newbie at this point so i don't know if this is even possible, would be helpful not to have to try and contact the person who set it up.

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