Ha, that was my dream car when I was 16! Or an RX7, I think it was called.
It's the result of manipulation from the true evil actors, those in the billionaire class.
So help them vote. Volunteer with efforts to get out the youth vote. Push for universal mail in voting where you are, or at least early voting. Help get politicians and initiatives on the ballot that they actually care about.
Shaming and complaining about the demographic you want to reach accomplishes nothing.
I know one! She's on a local city council.
This is a sign of a dying tree, btw: https://www.davey.com/insect-disease-resource-center/oak-bracket/
Interesting. Thanks for sharing! We don't get many of these since we're such a late primary state. (Though I'd much rather just look at a picture, anyway.)
Looks like the competition is really worried about Nikki Haley.
That's what I saw the other day!! I had never seen one before and thought it was freaking adorable. Thank you for solving that mini mystery for me.
I like your optimism! Here's hoping.
Thanks! I keep thinking it's Tuesday, so this...well, honestly it changes nothing.