That's great to hear! Thank you
I'm having an issue where the toggle for post-title -with-share when sharing an image does nothing - but I don't see anyone else with the issue, so maybe it's just me?
From what the steam reviews say, it's using Dosbox for the former.
Just FYI, it generally seems that none of these require origin or the EA app or any more than Steam as DRM.
QuickBooks, by far. Running that on premise (which we did before they offered it as a service) was an absolute pain.
Online mode seems closer to the worst, with a screen to kick you back to the main menu.
Once back at the main menu, due to the way all travel resets areas, you're likely to have lost progress since the last gate. You'll retain items and XP, but lose map reveal and have to run through the areas again.
Thanks! Some fun bits!
What sort of control tuning have you done?
From what I've seen, he seems pretty alright. May be wrong.
Came here to say this. It hugely weakened any investment in characters and story, for me.
I would not recommend playing legion for the story. Or, arguably, at all - but particularly not for the story.
Out of interest, at a high level, why?
Did they patch out interesting exploits/speed run things?
Forgive me if this comes across bluntly but, having seen roughly no details on price or actual performance of the still unannounced PS5 Pro, are you pulling the 3-4x cost comparison out of the ether?
If the expectation is that it will increase performance by frame generation, and that's accepted (e.g. non native resolution performance), then I'd argue you could get away with a very reasonable build and upscale to 4k for a similar imaginary price point - but without any released details (or third party reviews/benchmarks), that's hard to say seriously.