
joined 2 years ago
[–] jeansburger 2 points 1 month ago

Nowadays they can last a few hundred rounds before they break (if you print them and finish them correctly).

You have it backwards, you print the lower (the part the government considers "the gun"), and can basically buy the remaining parts (or manufacture them yourself).

The things like the slide and the barrel aren't controlled so you're free to buy them from any online gun dealer no questions required (fingerprints, background check, or additional info either).

What defines "an gun"? Obviously this part (the easily manufactured lower)! Not the barrel that holds the actual shooty bit (and has to handle the tons of pressure from the explosion, and is much harder to manufacture)? Nope!

If you actually use firearms, the laws around guns become incredibly dumb. And is probably a rant for another time... As someone who has guns, I want better legislation on safe storage and mandatory training federally. The fact that supposed "good gun owners" argue against this is nuts...

[–] jeansburger 32 points 2 months ago

Less Than Hero - Fry is trying to take is pants off because he's too scared to give his wallet to the Mugger and Andrew.

[–] jeansburger 41 points 3 months ago (4 children)

Confirmation of anecdotes or gut feelings is still science. At some point you need data rather than experience to help people and organizations change their perception (see: most big tech companies lighting billions of dollars on fire on generative AI).

[–] jeansburger 7 points 3 months ago

Believe me it's better to be ignorant about this...

[–] jeansburger 3 points 3 months ago

My dog growing up was super picky about what human food she would eat. Depending on how something was cooked (even when cooled down) she would flat out deny it (boiled chicken she would eat around or take out of her bowl)

My current dog is less picky but there's still some foods he can safey have that he'll spit out. Like he loves oranges but hates apples, cucumber he thinks is gross but broccoli is good.

I think a lot of dogs actually do have their preferences about what tastes good to them much like people. I guess most of the dogs in my family are "spoiled" in they get human food as a treat on a semi-regular basis.

My dog growing up hated kibble and we'd have to cook her something to eat (again spoiled). My current dog doesn't mind kibble (but he's very food motivated) but absolutely wants you to share with him what your eating, even if he's going to spit it out because he doesn't like it.

[–] jeansburger 9 points 3 months ago

Or... They do what they did last time the lifetime was cut down from 3-10 years down to 395 days... Just issue you a new certificate when the old one runs out and up to whatever the time period you bought it for...?

Let's Encrypt isn't the only CA to use ACME, you can auto renew with basically any CA that implemented it (spoiler: most of them have)

[–] jeansburger 1 points 4 months ago

I've been using this to automatically skip ads on my Chromecasts (youtube ads and in video segments) for the past year.

It's literally sponsor block but for all of my Chromecasts

[–] jeansburger 11 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I give it less than a week before someone has code for this exact feature in QMK. It won't be as detectable as looking for "Is using Razer Keyboard".

[–] jeansburger 7 points 5 months ago (1 children)

You must be new on the internet...

[–] jeansburger 2 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Why would it be risky? I'm genuinely curious if you have any resources (other than Apple's, because they're obviously biased) that show that a third party battery is dangerous.

As far as I know, as long as the battery meets the dimensions, nominal volatage, chemistry/max charge rate/communication to the charging circuitry, discharge rate, it will function safely.

A battery is a battery is a battery. There's no concievable reason I can think of that would require you use an Apple branded battery. If you have evidence to the contrary I'd love to see it. Knowing proper battery safety is important if you mess with them in any capacity (which I do), so something I may not be aware of is important to know.

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