We use Everything for that now
Who cares what this sexual predator has to say? Nope
For simple free ad blocking, you can use Brave browser.
For paid options, there are Safari extensions (I haven't tried these but have read about them): Vinegar does ad blocking and there is also a SponsorBlock extension.
Whatever you do, don't find massgravel's GitHub and run the PowerShell script (this is sarcasm btw)
Nope, this doesn't work anymore
Worked for me last week
Excited for the update to my favorite Lemmy client ❤️
I run a repair business, so it was handy at times to be able to field quick questions (can you fix X? How much will this part cost?)
Oh well, add it to the list.
Use Smartube. Follow the instructions under "easiest". You can use it logged out and benefit from no ads and sponsorblock.
It is, but like so many things in our current landscape, it's also exhausting.
Just rebuild with a later apk with revanced manager