I'm guessing that's not the reason for the downvotes. Even though this is the reddit community, Lemmy users generally just don't care about what happens on reddit.
Yeah this surprised me. Is NFC payment not common in India?
These days they would be using an esim rather than a physical sim.
Baked in AI makes C Suite and shareholders happy. That's about it.
Used Reddit for years. There's no way the percentage is that low.
I don't know the number, but you can definitely brush too much. My sister in law was obsessive about brushing her teeth so much that the dentist advised her to lay off as she was damaging her teeth enamel.
"Finally, thinner!"
Said no one ever.
I have over 15 years of professional sys admin experience with a large org, but I got out of it and I've been running an IT repair shop for the last 7. If I was looking to get back into things on the CS side, can you recommend a place (cert maybe?) to start?
No large corporation in the Microsoft ecosystem will ditch Windows due to Recall because it will be turned off. This kind of setting can be managed / customized with Group Policy tools and MDM settings.
Recall is targeted for home based users, not enterprise customers.
Hard to explain without experiencing it. Once you have an amazing bagel, you'll know.
Any reason you recommend the beta instead of the stable version?