I absolutely hate it when my language center segfaults and I feel like I have aphasia. I will go through periods where it happens a concerning amount, and then back to a sprinkle of dysfunction. Forgetting simple words or names of people you have known for years is unsettling. I sometimes get really scared and panic if it happens a lot. Trying to explain to your coworkers on a conference call that your brain isn't functioning correctly isn't the most comfortable experience.
Always been "communications" for me. I would have never guessed your interpretation. Main example would be "I lost comms".
That is my exact complaint. The phones are too tall! I am ok with it being wider, but the height is insanity. The whole balance of the phone is awkward and I would be ok with more of the weight on the bottom instead of the middle of a tall ass phone.
Philip DeFranco 👊🏻 @PhillyD Genuine question. Not aiming to dunk on etc.
But for the Pro Gaza folk who yelled Genocide Joe and Killer Kamala and abstained, voted Jill Stein, or even voted for Trump what is your reaction to Trump saying US will own Gaza?
Same thing in your eyes as Harris or regret now or?
Wiccans? Like, pagans? What do you have against them? Most I have met have been pretty chill. I get hating all religions, but weird little pagans are near the bottom for me as long as they are not hurting anyone.
As for the rest, fuck Elon and indeed, our tax system is never in our favor. Just rich assholes and businesses that never seem to have to pay anything.
Dammit. That is legitimately funny.
This really is a perfect example. I did a lot of MIDI things as a kid!
I mostly use mine to program. I started gaming again after barely playing them for a decade, but that is not my computer's primary purpose. Otherwise, I do dumb online browsing, play D&D with friends (used to...), fiddle around with art (mostly do that on iPad), 3d printing or electronics related things. Random shit like that.
I was thinking about that first day after. That he could be our O.J. Our Rodney. To get payback on people who are untouchable.
E! I love watching videos on it. Mark Rober's player piano was pretty cool.
I deal with this constantly. Profilers are your friend. I keep begging my team to use the database dumps from production to test with, but nope. Don't feel bad about messing up though. The amount of fuck ups I deal with in prod is exasperating. At least most of the things I break is a quick 5 minute fix and not weeks of rework.
The hardest thing I have explaining to the team is the concept of time. Once you have done controls programming and get to witness how much happens in 50-100ms, it sinks in. Your thing takes 500ms? 1 second? They think this is acceptable on something that is dealing with less than 100 database records. 😭
I am over in Rochester, and I just cried. I used to live in Clifton Springs for a few months and it is terrifying how "red" it gets one or two towns over from the more blue.