but it's* not something
on its* free platform
back in the '70s*
on its* free platform
In your reference, I think this summarizes the issue nicely:
As others have said previously, the apostrophe is a way to indicate that something in a word is missing. In one case, it may indicate the omission of numbers (ex. '20 instead of 1920). In another case, it indicates the omission of words which may be used to expression possession (ex. 1920's music instead of "music that was recorded in the decade that began with the year 1920). It is never, never, never used to express plurality.
Could you provide some example style manuals that say that?
"let's me connect" = "let us me connect"
can't think of dinosaurs without tearing up
It may be of solace to know that dinosaurs have survived that mass-extinction event in the lineage of birds.
at a friend's* house
Joke's* on you
(Short for "The joke is on you".)