It does but I just need to tune it a bit and it'll shift correctly.
There are places in the U.S. that give a shit about biking and pedestrian infrastructure. They're tearing up a major road a block from my house and are adding a separate mixed-use lane for pedestrians.
In 2024 another major roadway is going down a lane to add a bike lane and a third is in development design talks now.
The U.S. is a big place and local attitudes about transportation vary wildly. It's ok to be frustrated but this post is generalizing a bit too much.
Lemmy feels much less doom-scrolly and more targeted to my niches.
I'm still a bit of a lurker because I don't have much time to curate memes or share hobbies.
Rif still works for me but my account isn't connected anymore and the main page is so rage-baity it's a very negative experience.
Trans rights!
It was supposed to be Star Wars but they messed up GoT so badly they lost the Star Wars bid.
Goodbye my sweet king of violence.
Zojirushi rice makers are amazing. Their vacuum flasks are great too.
Getting an auto grinder has changed my life.
The thing about it is that Spotify premium to me isn't that expensive and has everything I need
That guy looks great! The post opened fine in mobile Firefox from liftoff.
Same. I will definitely miss it. Goodbye rif. Goodbye Reddit
Yeah mine are hydraulic. They're good! Not too loud.