Wow, what an awesome bee! Thanks for posting it.
Hey thanks. All were taken on a Nikon D5100. The fly capture was f/16, 1/200, iso100 on a 50mm lens. The other close-ups were both with extension tube, and all with flash and DIY diffuser.
Imagine how small their cameras would be :) It was actually fly day, but the ants said no.
Do you also have a 'rock concert'?
Not at all, they sneaked them out. This photo is from 2005!
Spoiler types
! Test 1
! Test 2 !<
|| Test 3 ||
:: Test 4 ::
!Test 5!<
! The number to the left was entered as 6. with 3 spaces after it.
!Double one!<
!Double two!<
Honestly I struggle to fully understand what I see. I think what you are referring to is actually the tree that I would have said is in front of me.
Ha, no.. it is an attached flash with home made diffuser.
But there is [email protected]
Awesome shot.