Bow tie for sure.
I wouldn’t give imperial that much credit. I think momentum is the only reason. Workers are trained to think in imperial because the older person training them thinks in imperial. And so it continues.
My guess would be never. I’ve been in construction for 20 years. Even the new kids coming in use feet inches, yards, etc. All the architects and engineers in construction also use imperial. I just don’t think it will ever happen.
I have a work phone and a personal phone. If I’m in the field I will text work related things to my work phone. Sometimes I’ll take a picture of things I need to remember to do instead of taking a note, these can end up in either phone. I have a notepad at my desk that I’ll take notes on if I’m at my desk. If I’m walking into a meeting I’ll take blank sheets of printer paper and write on those, sometimes I’ll take a picture of these notes after the meeting. I have a work account with one note that I use sometimes and a personal account on obsidian that I use mostly for taking notes on whatever I’m reading or ideas for projects. At the end of every week I’ll look through all my pictures, notes, pictures of notes, etc. and make a list of stuff I need to do next week.
It’s a mess.
Holy shit that was hard.
What model made this? ChatGPT won’t create an image of real specific people or trademarked things.
They upgraded to flat screen monitors at some point.
I’ve bought every wallet I've ever had.
I remember being surprised by Lufia 2 rise of the sinistrals. It was my first RPG other than a Zelda type game as a kid.
Well if they weren’t priced at half a million dollars.
Earns? A strange turn of phrase for a con.
So don’t eat my watch band. Noted.