Not at all. I agree that's what tax funds are for and ought to be spent when necessary. I'm just making a more nuanced point that it's unfortunate that government officials and the justice system not doing a proper job has led to two adverse outcomes.
My point is more about public servants, such as the justice system, government officials, etc. not doing a good job. Everyone loses in this case. I'm not at all against government spending. It's just really unfortunate that (1) this woman's life was ruined and (2) we as a society also have to foot that bill.
I feel productive just looking at this. Well done.
The reality is that virtually all widely used modern codebases contain at least some open source code (source).
I think because I'm so used to a laptop keyboard, uniform profiles just feel better to me.
I would want to see all upstream updates for anything installed on my system to avoid even considering a partial upgrade.
At first I was like how bunch upon second thought, there's a bit of addition by subtraction here.
Love a nice cool green theme! everforest?
So cool! I've been hoping to see one of these daughterboard orthocades in the wild. Have any extra parts? Would love to build one
Changelog media is another good source to complement this rec. Longer form, as opposed to breaking news, conversations about many OSS related (and software development in general) topics. Some of their now defunct programs like Request For Commits were some of my favorites.