
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

26817 view Streamed live 7 hours ago (23 march '24, 22:03)


From 1:54:00 the audio stops having this echo...



[–] [email protected] -3 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

i could follow her quite well. What makes her so wrong?

*crickets*.. an angry downvoting mob who don't properly converse


(For what it's worth)

Feb 24, 2024 This book is over 100 years old. It tells of the written report Pontius Pilate wrote to Caesar regarding the circumstances of Jesus of Nazareth and the Crucifixion. It is still highly debated today. Leave your comments below. Be sure to leave a like.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

Sure. At least someone has on tape what the IRS is actually doing.


Direct link to the video:

If the whistleblowers won't come to the journalist, then the journalist…

Poor Alex Mena. Among his revelations to his button-camera-wearing date was that, “It’s almost impossible to lose your job in the government.” No update forthcoming so far, but it seems probable that Mr. Mena will soon be available for work.

Since leaving Project Veritas, investigative journalist James O’Keefe has had a number of notable successes in getting high-placed government officials and others to open up about what they do. For his latest project, he sent a newly trained recruit to speak with Mena, who works in the IRS Criminal Investigations Unit.

Spoiler alert: Yes, the IRS does snoop through people’s private bank accounts. No, they don’t get a police warrant first. Is it constitutional? Mena doesn’t think so, but it's unlikely anyone will do anything about that because, in his words, the IRS is accountable only to the President and Congress, so it does as it pleases and fears no one.

We are right under the Congress and the President. The States don't have a say in what we do . . .

[T]hese people are not afraid of anything.

‘Don’t they have any empathy at all?'

Mena wasn’t precisely blasé; in fact, at times he sounded a little upset about the man he has become after an unspecified number of years in the service. “We were all nice when we started,” he relates. “We’re like robots right now.

When I [started out in] the criminal investigation unit, the guy is telling me, "The first person you shoot you’re gonna remember, but after that you’re gonna shoot like a hundred people, you’re not gonna remember any of them.”

When his date—a new recruit to James O’Keefe’s staff at OMG—comments that this sounds like military indoctrination, Mena agrees, adding that, “Most of the people in the criminal investigations unit are veterans.”

All the same, their targets aren’t the enemies of the United States of America. They’re not even known tax-evaders. They’re just little people who are easy to go after.

They have no problem going after small people, putting people in prison, destroying people’s lives. They have no problem doing that.

“Don’t they have any empathy at all?” he’s asked.

“No empathy. They’re like robots.”

‘We have all the information from the whole world’

According to Mena, most of the people the IRS target are the victims of “snitching.”

Most of the cases we get is like people snitching on each other.

But just like in many other areas of life, AI is taking over:

We have a system that uses AI … to target potential abusers … We have like, all the information from all the companies in the whole world, actually, not just in the United States. So the AI looks at all the returns, looks at the bank statements … [to] see if there’s like a potential for fraud…

Do they have warrants, to go into those accounts? Mena’s questioner asks.

“Like, no.”

“Is that constitutional?”

“I doubt it!”

No warrant, no evidence—no problem

Constitutional or not, it’s “working really well,” Mena stresses. “Like, in six months, we were able to capture half a billion dollars.” And just recently, the IRS has decided to “go after the owners of the NFL teams, all the teams … because they’re like billionaires and they pay very little taxes … So that’s gonna be fun.”

Fun or not, his date sounds worried.

[Date] But are they using legal loopholes to do that?

[Mena] That’s what we’re gonna find out.

[Date] You would think you would like, have to have evidence. Right?

[Mena] No, not with the IRS. They can audit whoever they want.

A Justice Department operation

During the discussion, Mena describes colleagues who have been working for the IRS for fifteen or twenty years, using the tactics he describes. Only the use of AI is presented as something new, and he makes it clear that the IRS itself isn’t actually in charge of how AI is used; it’s the Department of Justice who sets the rules and configures the algorithms, along with the Inspector General. This is confirmed by White House memos that detail the use of AI, and cautions surrounding that use, in various government agencies.


cross-posted from:

Bro Ish, a young convert to Christianity from Sunni Islam, shares his testimony of how he came to faith in Christ. He was from a devout Sunni Muslim family and he often wondered why only Christians have a divine encounter with God but not Muslims. To get rid of his addictions and health issues he started praying both to the Father and Allah and he encountered the Holy Spirit. It changed his life, freed him from all addictions and healed him. He now preaches the Gospel to Muslims

#speakerscorner #islam #christianity


De geschiedenis van Fort Oranje, de familie Engel en Jeroen Pols is de geschiedenis van de meest duistere kant van onze overheid: de machine die alles vermaalt.

Bevroren bezittingen en bankrekeningen zonder aanklacht (dus ook zonder proces), en wanneer er wel processen zijn, spannen rechters en wederpartijen steevast samen. Dit alles afgestemd in meerdere landen.

Zijn ze uitgespeeld? Jan en Jeroen denken van wel en bereiden hun vertrek naar Paraguay voor.


cross-posted from:

Dec 15, 2023 #danteinferno #demons #lakeoffire The Scariest and Most Intense Description of Hell You will ever Hear - R. Cook's Testimony #hell #supernatural #vision #danteinferno #demons #spiritual #testimony #lakeoffire

Ryan Cook gives a vividly intense detailed description of his 3 nights in Hell. He talks about seeing 7 sections of Hell and what each one represented.

You can reach Ryan at

Email me your miracle at [email protected]

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Some info related to mosaic festivals:

Hebrew festival dates for current year:

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Firefighter Whistleblower: Maui Attack NOT A Wildfire (Insurance Adjuster Specializing In Fires)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Shocking Eye Witness of Lahaina Maui Fire from Front Street Police Blocked Off the Exits (453K views, Aug 21, 2023)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

The CDC did a study and from that, they claimed the rate was 0.001%, or one out of 100,000. (Source:,two%20doses%20of%20the%20vaccine. )

2.8% is a lot higher than 0.001%. Another 0.3% had “probable myocarditis,” putting the total at over 3%. That is 3000 times higher than the US government claimed

In this small study, nobody had serious complications, but with a myocarditis complication rate of 3%, you would have to expect that giving out hundreds of millions of doses is a pretty risky proposition.

One oddity was that the rate of myocarditis among the participants was heavily weighted toward women, not men. That could be an artifact of the sample, or it could indicate that women are more likely to get a complication, but the complications are more likely to be serious among men.


[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

mustard seed size faith 😄

You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.”(Matthew 17:20)

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

i'd make that:

The problem was that people were taking the variation that was not specifically for humans because authorities denied them access to the variation for human use.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)

That ivermectin is a hazardous medicine..

It's actually donated by Merck since 1970's to African countries to fight river-blindness! The safety profile is well established and it's safe.

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