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Prime Minister Tony Blair recently described tolerance as 'what makes Britain Britain' but in this extensive investigation Dispatches reveals how a message of hatred and segregation is being spread throughout the UK and examines how it is influenced by the religious establishment of Saudi Arabia.

Dispatches has investigated a number of mosques run by high profile national organisations that claim to be dedicated to moderation and dialogue with other faiths. But an undercover reporter joined worshippers to find a message of religious bigotry and extremism being preached.

He captures chilling sermons in which Saudi-trained preachers proclaim the supremacy of Islam, preach hatred for non-Muslims and for Muslims who do not follow their extreme beliefs - and predict a coming jihad. “An army of Muslims will arise,” announces one preacher. Another preacher said British Muslims must “dismantle” British democracy - they must “live like a state within a state” until they are “strong enough to take over.”

The investigation reveals Saudi Arabian universities are recruiting young Western Muslims to train them in their extreme theology, then sending them back to the West to spread the word. And the Dispatches reporter discovers that British Muslims can ask for fatwas, religious rulings, direct from the top religious leader in Saudi Arabia, the Grand Mufti.




Direct link to the video:

If the whistleblowers won't come to the journalist, then the journalist…

Poor Alex Mena. Among his revelations to his button-camera-wearing date was that, “It’s almost impossible to lose your job in the government.” No update forthcoming so far, but it seems probable that Mr. Mena will soon be available for work.

Since leaving Project Veritas, investigative journalist James O’Keefe has had a number of notable successes in getting high-placed government officials and others to open up about what they do. For his latest project, he sent a newly trained recruit to speak with Mena, who works in the IRS Criminal Investigations Unit.

Spoiler alert: Yes, the IRS does snoop through people’s private bank accounts. No, they don’t get a police warrant first. Is it constitutional? Mena doesn’t think so, but it's unlikely anyone will do anything about that because, in his words, the IRS is accountable only to the President and Congress, so it does as it pleases and fears no one.

We are right under the Congress and the President. The States don't have a say in what we do . . .

[T]hese people are not afraid of anything.

‘Don’t they have any empathy at all?'

Mena wasn’t precisely blasé; in fact, at times he sounded a little upset about the man he has become after an unspecified number of years in the service. “We were all nice when we started,” he relates. “We’re like robots right now.

When I [started out in] the criminal investigation unit, the guy is telling me, "The first person you shoot you’re gonna remember, but after that you’re gonna shoot like a hundred people, you’re not gonna remember any of them.”

When his date—a new recruit to James O’Keefe’s staff at OMG—comments that this sounds like military indoctrination, Mena agrees, adding that, “Most of the people in the criminal investigations unit are veterans.”

All the same, their targets aren’t the enemies of the United States of America. They’re not even known tax-evaders. They’re just little people who are easy to go after.

They have no problem going after small people, putting people in prison, destroying people’s lives. They have no problem doing that.

“Don’t they have any empathy at all?” he’s asked.

“No empathy. They’re like robots.”

‘We have all the information from the whole world’

According to Mena, most of the people the IRS target are the victims of “snitching.”

Most of the cases we get is like people snitching on each other.

But just like in many other areas of life, AI is taking over:

We have a system that uses AI … to target potential abusers … We have like, all the information from all the companies in the whole world, actually, not just in the United States. So the AI looks at all the returns, looks at the bank statements … [to] see if there’s like a potential for fraud…

Do they have warrants, to go into those accounts? Mena’s questioner asks.

“Like, no.”

“Is that constitutional?”

“I doubt it!”

No warrant, no evidence—no problem

Constitutional or not, it’s “working really well,” Mena stresses. “Like, in six months, we were able to capture half a billion dollars.” And just recently, the IRS has decided to “go after the owners of the NFL teams, all the teams … because they’re like billionaires and they pay very little taxes … So that’s gonna be fun.”

Fun or not, his date sounds worried.

[Date] But are they using legal loopholes to do that?

[Mena] That’s what we’re gonna find out.

[Date] You would think you would like, have to have evidence. Right?

[Mena] No, not with the IRS. They can audit whoever they want.

A Justice Department operation

During the discussion, Mena describes colleagues who have been working for the IRS for fifteen or twenty years, using the tactics he describes. Only the use of AI is presented as something new, and he makes it clear that the IRS itself isn’t actually in charge of how AI is used; it’s the Department of Justice who sets the rules and configures the algorithms, along with the Inspector General. This is confirmed by White House memos that detail the use of AI, and cautions surrounding that use, in various government agencies.


De geschiedenis van Fort Oranje, de familie Engel en Jeroen Pols is de geschiedenis van de meest duistere kant van onze overheid: de machine die alles vermaalt.

Bevroren bezittingen en bankrekeningen zonder aanklacht (dus ook zonder proces), en wanneer er wel processen zijn, spannen rechters en wederpartijen steevast samen. Dit alles afgestemd in meerdere landen.

Zijn ze uitgespeeld? Jan en Jeroen denken van wel en bereiden hun vertrek naar Paraguay voor.


In deze aflevering spreekt Shohreh Feshtali met jurist Jeroen Pols. Jeroen is een jurist die zich jarenlang heeft verzet tegen onrecht en onwettige praktijken van de overheid aan de kaak stelt. Hij werd jarenlang beschuldigd van belastingfraude door de overheid. Na 4 jaar aan rechtszaken en een slopend proces is hij uiteindelijk vrijgesproken. Het is uiteindelijk bevestigd: hij is niet schuldig! Verder deelt Jeroen zijn visie over de huidige situatie in de wereld en wat zijn eigen plannen zijn. Hij geeft ook toelichting over de ontvangen donaties.

Link gesprek met Jeroen in “the Zi talk”

Veel kijkplezier!


Glasscherven en duistere rituelen - HUMAN - VPRO (56 min)

Vorig jaar april startte Argos een onderzoek onder slachtoffers van georganiseerd seksueel misbruik. Meer dan tweehonderd mensen deelden hun verhaal via een online vragenlijst, die met behulp van verschillende experts is opgesteld. Deelnemers spreken openhartig over misbruik op sportclubs en internaten, over loverboys en sekten. Een deel van die verhalen leidde al tot een reeks ▾uitzendingen. Bij een ander deel hadden wij aanvankelijk de neiging de verklaringen aan de kant te schuiven. Te controversieel, te ongeloofwaardig.

Honderdveertig van de verhalen zouden - als de aangevers zich bij de politie melden - het stempel ‘rituele kenmerken’ krijgen. Dat is seksueel misbruik, waarbij ook allerlei macabere aspecten een rol spelen. Satanische rituelen bij kaarslicht, martelingen, maar ook het ritueel offeren van baby’s.

Sanne Terlingen over ritueel misbruik - HUMAN - VPRO (13 min)

Dit interview is onderdeel van het dossier georganiseerd seksueel misbruik. Het afgelopen jaar verzamelde Argos de ervaringen van meer dan tweehonderd slachtoffers. Honderdveertig van hen vertelden over geritualiseerd geweld.


Any medicine can be overdosed! That doesn’t mean it’s poisonous!


Story and interview of Joe Tippins found with video interview


Q & A With Barbara O'Neill Part 1

167,049 views Apr 30, 2023 #barbaraoneill #BodyFuel #HealthyHabits Interview with Barbara O'Neill. Barbara answers your YouTube questions. 🌐 🌀 🎞
/ @livingspringsretreat
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A book Barbara advocates for:


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Great for skin issues, like eczema and psoriasis ..

Main ingredients:

  • Galagal root
  • Sheep sorrel
  • Red clover
  • Cedar wood
  • Blood root

Man sentenced to jail in 2017🙈


Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Tamara Lich, one of the organizers of Canada’s Freedom Convoy, about her book “Hold the Line: My Story from the Heart of the Freedom Convoy”; how Justin Trudeau’s government abused its emergency powers to punish the truckers — as well as anyone who contributed financial support to the Ottawa protest; how the Ottawa police were misled by the Trudeau government about the danger posed by the Canadian trucker protests against vaccine mandates; how long she has spent in jail for organizing the protest; and much more.

Buy Tamara Lich’s book, “Hold the Line: My Story from the Heart of the Freedom Convoy,” here:

Support her legal defense here: and

0:00 Intro 1:13 About Tamara Lich 2:58 How Canada Handled Covid 4:36 The Freedom Convoy and Its Results 12:09 What to Know Before Trial 13:38 The Media in Canada 15:07 Trudeau's Reaction 22:53 Can Things Turn Around in Canada? 26:12 Where the Fight is Headed

What is the current state of the international political economy? Is US foreign policy damaging international politics? We are more aware than ever of international news stories and the effect of our foreign affairs, but do we truly understand the perspectives of our global neighbors? Listen to a variety of international perspectives on a wide array of topics concerning world news and get to know how your global neighbors think with this playlist:

To make sure you never miss a single Rubin Report video, click here to subscribe:

Looking for smart and honest conversations about current events, political news and the culture war? Want to increase your critical thinking by listening to different perspectives on a variety of topics? If so, then you’re in the right place because on The Rubin Report Dave R..


Braindead ?


44,267 views Jul 3, 2023 The Dr. Jordan B. Peterson Podcast Dr. Jordan B. Peterson discusses the new film “Sound of Freedom,” with star Jim Caviezel and real life inspiration Tim Ballard. The film details Ballard’s work as a Special Agent to fight against sex trafficking and the child sex trade. They go into depth on the psychology of pedophilia, the nature of good and evil, and how a steady faith in God has guided all three.

Tim Ballard is the founder and CEO of Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.), which locates and rescues endangered children victimized by sex trafficking rings. Previously, he accrued a decade of experience as a Special Agent in the Dept. of Homeland Security, working as an undercover op for the U.S. Child Sex Tourism Jump Team.

Jim Caviezel is a prominent American actor and household name in no small part for his portrayal of Jesus Christ in “The Passion of the Christ,” (sequel coming in 2024). He has had a decades long career both on and off screen, and is an advocate for faith in the modern world.


Andrew Wommack’s Daily TV program: Gospel Truth To subscribe to Andrew’s email newsletter:

In this series Andrew teaches on Healing Journeys. Powerful testimonies of people that struggled with crippling diseases and have now been healed by the power of God. Build your faith as you hear these stories and receive all that God has for you!

00:07 Andrew continues to share videos of people's testimonies

00:15 Today we will see a powerful video of (Mike) Michael Hoesch healed of a tumor that he had in his chest. Be warned he took pictures of it

00:47 Watched the Healing Journey of Mike Hoesch

18:38 Watch Andrew Wommack interview (Mike) Michael and Caroline Hoesch eight years later

21:10 Healing came at the cross, it already yours. It's that simple. Listen to powerful examples of how people's faith has produced results

23:39 Thank you Partners for making all of this possible

24:20 Listen to Mike Hoesch talk about his healing journey in the DVD "Healing Journey DVD volume 3"

26:27 One-time donation link and next videos in this series.

Andrew Wommack Ministries

• Healing Journeys,...


My guest this week is Christian Drapeau MSc.

In this episode, Christian and I discuss stem cells. Specifically the question … how can we support or stimulate the release of our own adult stem cells in our own bone marrow so that we can put more in circulation without having to take them out and inject them? Christian differentiates between the many different kinds of stem cells, explains how stem cells are produced, where in the body they are stored, how they work in the body, and how we can protect them.

We also briefly discuss the powerful ingredients, sea buckthorn berry and blue-green algae, in a supplement called Stemregen. Stemregen stimulates the release of stem cells from the bone marrow, significantly increasing the number of circulating stem cells.

Learn more about Stemregen at and use code NAT30 for $30 off your purchase.


Berkeley Life is dedicated to supporting healthy nitric oxide levels. Nitric oxide is made naturally in the body, helping to relax the walls of blood vessels and promoting healthy circulation. However, stress, age and environmental factors can inhibit your body's ability to make enough of it. When Nitric Oxide is low, your body loses that natural circulatory boost, which not only impacts your cardiovascular system, but also other key systems that rely on the circulation of blood, oxygen, and nutrients.

Berkeley Life supplements provide a dietary nitrate that the body converts into nitric oxide. Their two-capsule daily dose has the dietary nitrate equivalent to 5 oz of spinach or 7 oz of beetroot! This helps to maintain healthy circulation, delivering nutrients where they need to go.

Berkeley Life orders can only be made using a practitioner code … You can use mine! Consumers may register and place an order using my code NIDDBL for 10% off. Visit

SPONSOR 2 To get the most out of any therapy it is crucial to address the foundations of health. Molecular Hydrogen addresses these foundations through its ability to help to manage reactive oxygen species (ROS), inflammation and improve metabolic balance. I drink molecular hydrogen water every morning before anything else and have my clients do the same. Anecdotally we have seen improvements in blood sugar control, pain from arthritis and even cognitive function in a Parkinson’s patient. Ongoing research is demonstrating the many ways that molecular hydrogen can support human health.

Visit and use code Longevity for 15% off.


[06:25] About Dr. Christian Drapeau

[09:20] What are stem cells, where are they from and what can they do?..

[17:30] How do stem cells know where to go? Do you need a scaffold for stem cells?..

[26:40] Do some people have more stem cells than other people and do some people release stem cells easier?..

[33:40] Do some people have more red marrow left than others?..

[35:00] Do we make new stem cells or have a finite number of stem cells?..

[37:37] How do we convince the body to release the ideal amount of stem cells?..

[41:42] What makes some people respond more than others to Kalyagen?..

[47:40] Will Kalyagen help with a stem cell transplant?..

[50:10] Are stem cells the core of human health?..

[51:25] Stress and its effect on stem cells, diseases and repair…

[56:20] What do you look for when trying to find a product that has a positive effect on stem cells and health?..

[66:20] What are the ingredients in Kalyagen? Should you take Kalyagen foundationally or around the time of an injury or both?..

Follow Dr.Christian Drapeau


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The Germanische Heilkunde is not a solution, it describes the origin and progression of all diseases. It cannot be patented because it is a law of nature. Anything that speaks against the laws of nature is false by definition.

What can be patented is an invention and not a discovery. The English language website can be found under

A short explaination of what it is all about can be viewed in this video


Agnostic MUFON researcher found out there are actually people who defended themselves against (often traumatic) alien abductions. But MUFON doesn't want to use their stories because it doesn't stroke with its own doctrine.🧐

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