District 9 und Chappie. Beides Filme die von der Idee her spannend sind, aber im Endeffekt dann einfach nur die ganze Zeit drauf rumgeritten sind, dass Menschen scheiße ist. Danke, das kann ich täglich in der echten Welt beobachten, dafür brauche ich keine Filme.
Wait but why is Valve involved at all, then? Not like it's their fault that some people they have nothing to do with are building a game based on those APIs, so shouldn't Nintendo approach the developers of the port directly instead?
That's a weird takeaway from this. I rather took it as a reminder that even in our own solar system, there's still surprises waiting for us, and there's so much more to explore. Doesn't take away from the wonder at all for me.
The thing is, movement is relative. Everything on earth is constantly in motion if you're observing from any other celestial body, so motion itself can't be what breaks portals. What it might be, though, is acceleration. Those panels in the video seem to be moving at a constant speed, so aren't experiencing any substantial acceleration, making a portal on them possible
Not sure I'm following. If the portals are exactly the same size, and stay that size, then why would you have to connect one point on one to two points on the other?
You can pass two 2d ovals through each other in a 3D space no problem if they're exactly the same size.
Keine Ahnung, kenne ihn nicht persönlich. Was seine Filme betrifft, möglich, aber zumindest Elysium fand ich bedeutend besser als D9 und Chappie. Ist schon ein Weilchen her und ich weiß nicht mehr genau wie ich den fand, aber zumindest bin ich da nicht mit dem Gefühl rausgegangen meine Zeit verschwendet zu haben