I did
If he meets enough Billie Eilishes he can finally have enough copper to sell and buy a house.
You said no weapons, but no mention of armor.
Wrap me in some chain mail or kevlar or whatever, and set me loose. I will rain down an ungodly firestorm upon any number of squirrels. They're gonna have to call the United Nations and get a binding resolution to keep me from destroying them. I will massacre them. I will fuck them up.
Its niches are nowhere near as strong as reddit though. The only reason I can't ditch reddit is small hobby subs and stuff like that. Their alternatives on lemmy are just not good enough, because of a hideous combination of lack of users and fragmentation.
I believe the C in CAT stands for "contrarianism"
Wait, don't Bluetooth devices randomize their macs like wifi to hide their identities from unpaired devices?
That doesn't sound right. 124ml of olive oil will probably do funny things to your shit and make you feel weird, but I very much doubt it'll kill you unless you inject it straight into your aorta.
It's a list of words for each letter in the English alphabet so they they can be spelled unambiguously over the radio.
What's the LD50 of high quality olive oil?
Can't have been a good week to quit sniffing glue.
Have you not read the relevant chapters in The Wealth of Nations?